Chapter 80

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Ralvania told her about Newt, how nice he had been to her. Then about the dragon wanting to go to more far off places until Maggie was ready to turn in early. The not so young empress got up and hugged her goodnight, then went to the shelves of books and searched until finding one of the many potion books.

Taking it back to the desk and reading through it, she wrote down a few useful potions. Then she found the one she'd been hunting down, thirty chapters later. Double checking the ingredients one more time, went into the potions room to grab everything she needed. Carefully walking back to the desk, setting the jars down. Then firing up the cauldron, she read over the recipe one last time, as she added everything into the mixture.

Stirring the contents within the cauldron for the next half hour, she used deep focus and intent. Once it had began to boil, grabbing an empty potion bottle, slowly she filled it. After setting it down on the huge desk, she grabbed a feather pen and paper. Taking a slow deep breath, she then summoned for the dragon. Ten minutes had passed when he grunted outside of her window.

"What is it?" He said as she poked her head out to talk with him.

"I need you to take this potion to Lucipheria, give it to Newt.'

"What kind of a potion?" He inquired.

"It is a nocturnal sleep potion, for the vampire gnome."

"The one that tried to kill you?"

"Yes, he's attacking people because he has a horrible case of insomnia."

"You are a far better creature than I'd be."

"Will you still take it to him?" She begged.

After a little hesitation, "Yeah I'll do it."

Sher handed him the bottle and message. He nodded and turned around before taking to the skies. 


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