Chapter 47

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      Ralvania couldn't believe they went to all this trouble just for her. They decorated in her two favorite colors, lavender and glitter silver ribbons, balloons and flowers decorated the gate and the land surrounding the mansion style white castle.

After catching up to the empress, Maggie took several deep breaths, then looked at her...

"Soranto isn't the only one that's gotten faster." She said and the little empress giggled.

"Wow hey did a wonderful job out here." Maggie told her.

Ralvania hugged her, then turned and knocked on the door. Less than two minutes later, the door opened and there stood the queen.

"Oh good you made it in plenty of time. Happy birthday, honey. Come in, come in." She said to them.

"Thank you.. It means a lot to have it here so I can be with you and Melinda." She replied bowing to the queen.

"Are you doing okay back home?" She asked.

"Oh yes everything's fine." "Good to hear it, Come on I'll get Melinda for you." She said.

The empress and her guardian waited there in the hall. Ralvania admired how gorgeous the palace looked. There were glitter ribbons sporadically placed from the ceiling, the banister to the stairs, with balloons and flowers. Further down the hall a happy birthday tapestry had been made, in pink glitter. It looked amazing.

Within minutes the princess fluttered down the stairs, then shrieked, releasing her excitement and hugged her.

"I'm so happy that you made it.... I missed you." Melinda told her best friend empress, (B.F.E)

"I've missed you too." She responded.

"Come on, let's go to my room until everyone gets here." The princess suggested.

"Sure but who else is coming?" She asked , confused.

"You'll see." Melinda told her. 

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