Chapter 135

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   Chapter 135

Nodding to the dragon, then she ran over to greet him.

"I'm so glad you made it."

"Me too. It's wonderful to see you again... Happy birthday." Newt responded.

"Thank you. How have things been in Lucipheria?" She asked, as it had been more than a few moons since their last meeting.

"Not bad, we had a little trouble a few days ago; but all is fine now." He said.

"What kind of trouble? Was it the dwarf demons?"

"Oh no dear empress, nothing that serious..." He paused and looked at her with a serious stare.

"There'd been a sighting of a hybrid vampire, but we believe he was just passing through."

"Oh, that's a relief. I'll keep a look out here." She offered, showing genuine concern.

After a moment of shared silence, she added; "Send word if you have any trouble."

"Thank you. The same for you." He replied.

"I can't believe how many are here. What an excellent turnout." He said, making small talk.

"Some of them are friends of friends, others are alliances outside of Goblin's Hollow."

"When does your ritual ceremony take place?" He inquired.

"I'm not certain, I'll find out from Maggie soon."

"May I walk you back inside?" He offered.

"I'd really like that." She replied walking with him through the back door. She had all of her closest friends in one place. 

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