Chapter 119

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        Chapter 119

"What is it ? Come on tell me."

"Okay, just like those mortals in your realm...we have non magickal beings in our realm. They are being taken to earth, too."

"Seriously?" Ralvania spat out.

"Yes.... I'm not kidding." The princess said, emptying her tea cup and refilling both.

"What creatures are being shipped off from here?" She asked, confused. She thought all creatures in the fairy realm were magickal.

Melinda took a sip and then gently set it down. Looking directly at her, slowly she responded.

" The butterflies, lightning bugs and dragonflies."

"I thought they were magickal."

"Nope.. My parents agreed with Maggie. They have kept it quiet as not to start a fairy wide panic. "

"It's sad," Ralvania commented.

"Yes... however it's for their survival. It would be more cruel not to move them." Melinda pointed out.

After making a displeased face and a long moment of hesitation, the empress broke the silence.

"I suppose you're right."

"I am right." 

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