Chapter 44

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    That morning young Ralvania was up with the sun, waiting for the day to begin. She knew it was more than just any birthday; it was an enchanted one. Her powers would spark and fluctuate over the coming few seasons.

She was overly excited to go spend her big day in the fae realm with Melinda and the other fairies. She still couldn't believe the King and Queen had said yes, but they did. She wished she could go now but the party wasn't until this afternoon.

It had been too difficult to sleep in any longer. She stretched and then tended o her book of shadows before eventually heading downstairs. Rounding the corner and down the hall she found Maggie starting the morning with a pot of pixie brew.

"Empress you're up extremely early." Maggie greeted.

"Yes, today I am." She replied.

"Happy birthday, I can't believe the enchanted birthday already." She said

"I know.... I'm dying to get to the party." She admitted.

"Pixie brew?" She offered.

"Oh yes that would be great." She replied taking the mug and the two stepped out onto the balcony, just off the kitchen.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Sort of, too excited to sleep." Ralvania said, taking a sip of the brew.

" That's normal, it's a big deal..... And it means I have four years to teach you everything I know." Maggie replied, teasing her.

"I have learned a lot from you, you're a great sorceress." Ralvania told her.

"Were there any special gifts you wanted for your birthday?" Maggie asked, taking a sip.

"Mainly the party at the fairy kingdom."

"Anything else?" She asked.

"A candle, or a book.... Maybe a new cloak." She said, not really sure.

"You're going to make a wonderful empress," Maggie told her.

"I hope so." Ralvania said.

"You will, I can see it." 

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