Chapter 133

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        Chapter 133

Within the hour, she couldn't believe how many had shown up for the festival. Not only several other fairies that were friends of Melinda's; there were gnomes, elves, warlocks and trolls. She had been even more surprised to see all three of the Omenian leaders were in attendance.

They didn't travel much outside of Meridian's Isle, unless it was of great importance. It warmed her heart to know that she fell into that category with them. They weren't the easiest to befriend, rarely trusting outsiders. Gaining their alliance had taken a little time, just under three moons, the empress had proven her worth to them.

Looking around the nearly filled castle, she saw several others she'd helped over the years, some of them from right here in Goblin's Hollow. A few of them were called hybrids, creatures that were fairly new cross breeds of magickal beings, and some were not.

She really loved seeing all of them, however it was a bit overwhelming. Things seemed to be going smoothly for the time being. That was a huge relief to her. Still a little nervous about the ritual, giving her the official title of empress. She just prayed to the goddess she didn't screw it up.

Making her way through the crowd of magickal beings, until finally reaching the back door and out to the courtyard. She was fine, but needed a moment and a little air. Thirty seconds later, the dragon noticed and slowly walked over and took his place by her side. 

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