Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 

          As the dragon flew onward, she sat there on his back watching as a few common birds flew near the left of them. Letting her mind wander, as there were times she did her best thinking up here; where they'd fly from one place to another. It seemed better for her soul than the meditations. Often she thanked the gods of fate that she'd found him that magickal day in the forest. She felt that he was a part of who she was, a karmatic soul; possibly he was her spirit animal guide. A zen moment washed over her..

Everything is okay....If it isn't, then it will be, she told herself.

Then as the wind kissed her face and tousled her dark locks, a bit of hope struck her. Perhaps the elf situation really had just been an accident, maybe it had nothing to do with dark magick or the creepy underworld. Maybe she'd been worried over nothing. As he swooped around through the mid-afernoon skies, she kept on thinking of the poor dead Norbert. Is it a sign? Perhaps to never again let her own fears cost another creature's life?

She felt better, but still felt a hint of shame. She could have at least tried to rescue him. However knowing she couldn't change the past, even with magick. There were spells for it, but they were dangerous. More so than using demon magick. With dark spells, you're asking for trouble. With time spells, it was like walking through the darkest parts of the underworld with a blind-fold on.

She was of course over curious about time enchantments; but even at fourteen she wasn't that reckless with her abilities. She'd heard from others when you start to play with magick and get out of control; it was a stepping stone to the darker path of magick. As her thoughts kept wandering onward, she felt the dragon slow down and decrease altitude.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, why?" He called back to her.

"You are landing, right?"

"Yes, we are home."


"Yes, here we are." He said landing her near the front door of her home. 

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