Chapter 125

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       Chapter 125

As that night progressed, well beyond the nocturnal hour of magick,she'd drifted off, clutching the book of shadows.....

Much later that morning she jumped up the moment she opened her eyes. Peeking out of the window, she checked the sun's position in the skies. It had to be near nine a.m. Good, she thought, scrambling to her closet and throwing on her lavender robes. She wanted to get a cup or two of pixie brew down her before getting ready for the day.

Opening the door and dashing quickly down the winding marble staircase, then to the left until reaching the kitchen, where Maggie stood.

"Oh good you're up, happy birthday, young one."

"Thank you." She replied.

"Pixie brew?"

"Yes please."

Maggie let out a soft chuckle, "I just finished brewing it."

"Oh good, when will everyone arrive?"

"I sent invites for after mid-day, so that you'd get to have more time to prepare and have time to wake up a little."

"You're the best." She replied in a dramatic tone.

"Some days I try."

Ralvania nodded, taking the pot of enchanting brew with her, back up the winding stairs, into her chamber room. Today of all days she would need a cup, more than any other. Pouring a huge silver mug of the brew she sat down on the bed, letting out a sigh. After a few minutes she took that first intoxicating sip of magick.

"That is sooo much better," She spoke to the empty room. Downing the first cup, she sat there, forcing back her excitement as the celebration was merely hours from this very minute. 

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