Chapter 183

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     Chapter 183

Once outside the castle, the two found the dragon a few feet away. He sat up in the soft grass, waiting for them.

"Is it over?"

"No, we're just ready, that's all."

"Good, good. Climb up and we'll get home in no time." The dragon replied.

"Yes." The empress replied, climbing on. Ambrosia nodded, doing the same as the dragon hollered.

"Ackk! Is she wet?"

"Get down." He commanded.

Both of them obliged his demand and waited as the dragon flapped his wings, quickly drying the mortal out.

"Now you may get back on." He instructed them both.

"Why'd you do that?" Ralvania asked him.

"If your enchanted bag were water-logged, would you want to carry it?" He spat back.

"I see what you mean." She said, helping Amberosia up and then climbed on.

"Hold on both of you." Soranto told them, leaping up and flapping his huge black glittery wings and flew them out of the fairy realm. After a good half hour of flight, he called back to them; "You two okay back there?"


"Good, with your love of helping others, I believe this will not be your last adventure." 

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