Chapter 42

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      Over the next few days, the young empress was bouncing around the castle with excitement as the party was merely days from now. She had been ready to go since the second the dragon told her, in fact she'd already finished her magickal studies for the week.

Hopeful the next few days would hurry, she hadn't mastered time spells yet. Most of her extra studying went on when her night's sleep had been plagued with nightmares of darkness. It boggled her mind as to why she even had these nightmare visions.

If she were a dark empress wouldn't she feel evil? Or do dark spells? It confused her to the point she didn't want to think about it anymore. Then a thought hit her. Would there be anything about it in the ancient family grimoire's?

Quickly turning around, speed walking to the office, she thought... Even if I don't find anything on nightmares, maybe i'll find something important, or at least interesting?

She crept into the office, this time Maggie wasn't there. Carefully she looked through rows and rows of books until she found a few ancestral spell books. When she moved the third one, a door popped open in the adjoining potions room.

"That was weird," She said.

Taking a candle with her, the young empress walked over to the potions room and stood in front of the door, then walked inside. It led down a set of creepy grey stone stairs. When she reached the bottom it looked like an old catacomb. Soon she came to an old dust covered hope chest.

Using some of her magick, she popped open the old worn lock. A huge cloud of black smoke poofed out of the inside. When it cleared she saw there was a book. The title was The complete guide to evil. She opened it, however it wasn't written in any language she could recognize. It looked to be written in blood, possibly an ancient demonic language? She quickly put it back.

Ralvania darted back up the stairs, closing the door and sealing it shut with an incantation. She was curious as to why that book was here. She grabbed the three grimores from the office and hurried to her bed chambers, perhaps the answer to some of these dark questions would be in one of them.  

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