Chapter 32

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      After a long conversation with him and a quick joyride over the forest, the dragon dropped her off right in front of the castle.

"You are my family." She said to him.

"Always.... Remember it will get easier." Soranto told her.

She nodded and kissed his cheek before running back into the castle.

Maggie was in the main hall, dusting some of the fixtures and decorative wall hangings. She turned around the split-second the castle door opened.

"There you are, did you have fun?"

"Yes, I love my dragon." She said.

"He is yours, of course you do."

"Do you have time for pixie brew?" Ralvania asked.

"If I didn't, I'd make the time."

"Thanks, I'd like to have it in the office." The young one said.

"Huh?" Maggie replied.

"I'm going to call the library my office for a while." Ralvania said.

"If it helps, call it whatever you wish." Maggie replied, then went off to get the pixie brew.

Ralvania went ahead to the office as she'd called it, to wait for Maggie Before sitting behind the large desk, she went over to the shelves and flipped through some of the old family spell-books, history and potion books.

She settled on A history of creatures, then and now. Grabbing it from the shelf and sitting down, she started to look it over. Barely starting the chapter on gnomes, Maggie entered the room.

"Here we are dear."

"Thank you. Can I ask you something?" She responded.


"When's the wake?"

"Three days from now. I wanted you to have a few days to adjust." She said.

"When do we start doing magick again?" She asked with a serious glare.

"After the wake, I'd say. Emotion controls a lot of your powers.' Maggie explained.

"Oh." Ralvania commented as Maggie placed the cup in front of her. 

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