Chapter 100

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                                                   Exiting the petite sized cabin, she felt an inner light surge through her. Life wouldn't always be perfect, but with reassurance from the seer and the one thing she needed- hope. Then, she thought... If I screw up, find a way to fix it. Quickly, making her way back to Soranto.

"Empress, that didn't take long at all... What did the ancient woman tell you?" The dragon inquired.

Letting out a deep sigh, she looked at him. After a short pause she said; "The truth."

He glared at her with a look of confusion, completely unsure by her meaning.

"Come dragon, it's time you walk me home." She told him, of course he was happy to oblige.

After walking a few feet onto the forest path, trying not to act like a nag, but he wanted to know what happened in the little cabin.



"Did she help you?"

"I think so yes." S he said as they walked a slowed pace through the enchanted forest getting back to the fork in the path.

Once they passed it, she listened to the sounds of the forest. There were ravens, crows and even a phoenix cawing , flying in and out of the trees all around them. Different small animals running through the forest. She'd learned a few years ago to tune in to the forest, watch for signs from the spirits.There are omens all around, one needs only to notice them. Maggie had taught her that one.

The two walked a little faster, both ready to end their day. She noticed her magick was more intensified during the nocturnal hours, which were fast approaching. She loved the night but would prefer not to be in the forest after dark. It wasn't dangerous, but it did give her a creepy feeling. She knew there was really nothing to fear out here, besides Soranto would protect her, he always did.

"What's on your young mind?" He said, breaking her thought process.

"Huh? Oh, right.. Just different things." She said.

"Were almost out of the woods....I didn't think you had noticed." The dragon informed her.

"I hadn't noticed.. Thank you."

"Anytime." He said as they entered the courtyard behind her castle.

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