Chapter 31

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   Over the next few days, the young empress spent a lot of time in her room, crying. She knew it was natural, just part of grief. Whenever a wave of tears would cease, she worked on her spell-book and light candle magick. 

She hate feeling like this, it was near unbearable. Maggie was nice and very understanding but it wasn't the same, and never would be again. Slowly she closed the book, wiped the last of her tears for the moment and left her room

"Maggie!" She yelled, skipping down the marble stairs.

Moments later Maggie came around the corner. "Yes little one?" She asked.

"I'll be back. I'm going off to the caves." She told her.

"Be careful and tell Soranto I said hi."

"Oh I will, I'll see you later." She called as she ran through the castle and out the back door, through the courtyard.

It was a little challenging, but she eventually made it up the small mountain and into the caves.

"Soranto, are you home?"

"Yes, what do you need?" He asked coming out from deep within the cavern he called home.

"Can we talk for a while?"

"Yes, I'd be fine with that." He said stepping closer and laying next to her on the cave floor.

"When your momma never came home, how'd you handle the pain?" She asked him with tears brewing.

"I met you." He said and the eleven year old wrapped her arms around him. 

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