Chapter 7

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         Over the next several days and nights; she  refused to leave the bed chambers, turning away anyone that dared to set foot near her castle. She screamed, kicked and cried until there was nothing left. She paced the room, grieving over her soul mate, trying to think straight and at a complete loss as her perfect life had been stolen from her by a gremlin. Pacing back and forth, Katella was overwhelmed with rage, grief and the joys of being six months pregnant with a now fatherless child. The thought made her cry again. Crying for days, refusing everyone except for Maggie.

She didn't get what it was about the girl, but she just seemed to know how to calm her, what to say and what not to. Perhaps their newly found friendship was supposed to be, much like an omen or blessing of the spirits, the empress thought. Then there was a knock on her door.

"Come in.' She said.

Slowly the white door opened, there stood Maggie with a tray for her.

"Here we are miss," She greeted.

"Thank you dear, " She responded, going for the tea and a muffin.

"Of course, do you want me to stay with you?' She asked.

Katella nodded yes to her.

Maggie smiled at her and sat on the edge of the large bed, it was so soft like sitting on a cloud made of dark velvet.

"How are you feeling?" Maggie asked trying not to upset her, but felt concerned.

"I don't know at this point, if you wish the truth." The empress told her.

"They're having a memorial service tomorrow for him, do you want to go?" She asked.

"Who's having it?" She asked with fire in her eyes.

"The residents of Goblin's Hollow." She answered after pouring a cup of tea for herself, too.

"I don't think I should." She responded after a long pause.

Maggie looked into her eyes, took a sip of the warm drink then finally said; "That's good enough for me."

"Really?" Katella asked her.

"Yes, I wouldn't go in your condition." Maggie told her.

The empress set the tea cup down and hugged her.

"Is everything else alright?" She asked.

"I have a lot on my mind, for starters." She said.

"Tell me, I'm here for you as long as you need me." The girl told her.

"That means more to me than anything."

"I know it."

"I'm worried for myself, my unborn child kicking around in here," She said.

"Well, I'll be more than happy to help with the baby, whatever you need." She pledged.

"Do you mean it?" She asked, with a look of seriousness.

"Yes I mean it." Maggie responded.

"I wanted to ask, would you be the baby's godmother?" The empress asked with hope in her eyes.

"It would be an honor, I'd love to." Maggie told her.

"Thank the gods for you." The empress stated, downing more tea and a few of the home made cookies.

"Do you feel a little better? You won't do this alone I promise you." She said.

"Yes, but I think I'm going to the seer, she doesn't live far from here." The empress informed her.

"When will you go?" Maggie asked her.

"Tomorrow, I think."

"It may help you to get out of the castle for a little while." Maggie pointed out.

The empress nodded and sipped the tea. 

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