Chapter 165

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         Chapter 165

Amberosia had only stayed long enough for half a glass, it had been the first time she'd ever had it. At near fourteen, it had made her just a little light- headed. As she left the room going back to her chores around the castle, Melinda poured a glass for both of them.

"You know they should have made you queen long ago. " Ralvania said to her, in a matter of fact tone.

"I know but it's a huge responsibility Mom wanted to wait a little." The fae princess explained.


"I was so excited that I wanted to come and tell you in person."

"I couldn't be happier for you... After your Queen, if you need help or want to talk, send word."

"I'll remember that, thanks."

"I got over whelmed and Goblin's Hollow is about four times smaller than your kingdom."

"Don't you think I'll make a decent Queen?" She spat.

"Oh no, That's not what I meant.. I meant that being in charge like that can be hard on anyone. You'll be an excellent Queen."

"Oh okay... I'm a little nervous, that's all."

"No one blames you for it. Drink up." Ralvania said to her, emptying another goblet full of wine. 

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