Chapter 88

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                 Four nights later thrashing, running and twitching in her sleep, plagued with a rather wicked nightmare. Out in the forest, dark and covered in a thick greying fog. She was lost in the forest she'd known her entire life. As she wandered through the forest, there was a creature she didn't  recognize. It resembled an elf- skeleton, skin hanging off it's bones, as one eye drooped hanging out of its socket

"Why didn't you help me? Why'd you let me die?" It moaned.

Frightened, she screamed, then jerked awake , knocking herself out of bed and onto the hard-wood flooring, with an intense, echoing thud. Fully disoriented , it took more than a few minutes to wake and see that she was in the castle safe with no undead elf in sight.

Thank the goddess, it was only a bad nightmare....

Glaring at the candle until it ignited, she grabbed the book of shadows from under her large maroon pillow and opened it.

                                    Quickly scribbling out what she could remember, just in case there'd been a hidden meaning to it. However she didn't summon the soul guardian. The dream wasn't an evil threat, it was merely her feelings of guilt over Norbert's passing. It was more than obvious. Glancing over to the window , the three moons had set for the day and slowly the sun had risen. 

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