Chapter 166

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               Chapter 166

Over the next few weeks, Ralvania ran around the castle, excited to go back to the fae realms, her home away from home. She loved visiting the fae kingdom, ever since she'd met Melinda that day in the forest years ago.

Then as her mind began to wander from one thought to the next, a deep realization befell her. Uh-oh, she thought; had anyone informed the dragon? Oh no. She rang for both her servants at once. Less than five minutes passed when the both tapped on her door.

"Get in here." She commanded of them, more harsh than intended.

They slowly walked inside. "Yes empress?" Gina asked.

"Did either of you tell the dragon about Melinda's crowning ceremony in a few weeks?"

"Please don't be angry with me but yes I did." Ambrosia said in a squeaky fearful tone as she stood behind Gina.

"You did?"

"I was so excited about it that I needed to tell someone. I'm sorry."

"Sorry? There's no need."


"I had forgotten to tell him of it. What did he say?"

"That it was fine, it was actually important for once." Ambrosia repeated the dragon's words.

Ralvania let out a soft chuckle. "That sounds like him." 

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