Chapter 4

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                             Katella stood in the doorway of the castle's entrance, waving to her mate. Once he'd passed her field of vision, the empress proceeded to the library and buried her thoughts into her spell books. She could spend hours in there without realizing it. She checked on the supplies, making sure they were stocked up on anything she'd need before Griffion's return. She tried not to think about him being gone, these quests of his were quite often. It was his responsibility, part of being an emperor. Thinking a moment, it could be the pregnancy causing her to miss him like this.

After another hour of being lost in thought, she rang for a cup of tea. She didn't have to wait long for her servant girl to arrive.

Soon she heard the light tapping on the door.

"Come in, please." She said as the door swung open and Maggie entered the room.

"Your tea, miss." She said.

"Thank you. Will you sit with me?" She asked the girl.

"Yes miss, whatever you wish of me." Maggie answered, then sat across from her.

"Thank you, I just don't want to be alone." Katella told her.

"It's okay, miss really. I can sit with you whenever you like, as your friend. Not your servant." Maggie said to her.

The empress nodded to her in agreement.

"Good," She said as Katella poured a cup for her as well.

"Kind of you." She said.

"I'd like to do this more often, It's nice to have a woman to speak to." The empress told her.

"Yes of course.' The servant girl answered, then took a sip of the magick tea.

Katella took a sip and then another.

"You remember saying you're of an enchanted bloodline?' She asked the girl.

"Yes, I remember." Maggie replied.

"Have you discovered any of your abilities yet?" Katella asked, downing the enchanted tea.

"Yes, I have visions from time to time." She responded.

"Oh, what kind of visions?" The empress asked with a curious gaze.

"I can see the future, sometimes.... I also come from a long line of natural witches." Maggie elaborated for her.

Leaning over and pouring more tea the empress looked at her for a long moment, then spoke.

"That is a rather impressive heritage for any witch."

"Thank you, miss." The servant girl replied.

"Some of your abilities have yet to surface," Katella told her.

Maggie just smiled at her and took a sip of the semi-sweet drink, happy to do whatever made the empress happy. Even if it was something simple, like keeping her company until the emperor's return. 

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