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The lights in the complex's foyer were barely lit as I made my way towards the front door. Perhaps Jordanah was right that I was giving into the noise around me. Other than Zaine who had a slightly different reason to be against my relationship with Andrew, everyone else didn't approve of my fiancé. The only reason being that they haven't forgiven me for what I had done to Marcus.

I thought that part of the past would have been buried since Rebeccah had her own infidelity hidden underneath everybody else's noses. But I guess not seeing as once again I'm the number one target everyone gangs up on.

Although I didn't want to disappoint Jordanah and of course myself by leaving the fight unresolved, there was a small part of me that was scared. For a short while, the idea of getting married seemed to cause me panic. As much as I wanted to be with Andrew, it seemed that the closer the date got to our big day, the feeling of conflict only grew stronger.

I wasn't sure what it was other than me being quite pathetic. I had said to Andrew so many times that he was the only one that I could see walking down that aisle, so why was the idea so unimaginable in my mind?

As I began turning the key to enter the apartment, I felt my body slow. One hand onto the key. The other carefully leaned up against the side of the black door. I stayed as still as I could as Andrew and Daniel's voice filled the air, unknowing to my presence.

"I really do want her to be happy Daniel. She's been through so much to make me happy and copped some unfair criticism because of it. But she's not pleased about getting her job back and I don't know, at least I tried to help her when everyone else wasn't."

"Just keep at it Andrew. She might not say it, but I know deep down she appreciates it. My cousin just doesn't normally show appreciation the way other people might."

"Is that going to be enough? Is it going to be enough to keep at it? Our wedding is coming up and I really want to get over this recent argument -"

"That's the thing. Obviously, you want to get over the argument but do you know what she wants?" Daniel interjected as I cautiously moved back, guilt riddened that I was intruding on their private conversation. Slowly, I took a step back and let out breath, hesitating to go inside the apartment. I pulled out the keys with caution, before shaking them in my hands in indicate that I infact was back home.

Pushing open the door, I was startled to find Andrew and Daniel sitting patiently at the unusually organised table. I scanned over at the dining area to see the cluster of plates, drinking glasses and forks already placed on the table indicating that dinner was somewhat ready soon.

"Uh hey boys. What's going on here?" I asked, slightly confused as to the apartment' sudden aroma of rather strong spices.

"I knew you'd be held up in the newsroom, so Daniel and I decided to make dinner -"

"It was your fiancés idea. I just found the recipe online and we both worked on different parts of the recipe." Daniel added with a bright smile on his face. Instantly I thought back to my sudden choice to hide out at Zaine and Jordanah's place. It was a small lie but I couldn't stand it knowing that Andrew believed it regardless.

"That's so - that's so sweet of you two. You know you didn't have to. I would of made dinner."

"I didn't want you to come back and have to deal with yet another thing after sorting out the work emergency."

"Oh. Well, thank you guys. Did you - did you need any help with anything?" I asked, feeling unsure of how I was meant to act right now.

"Nah, we're pretty much done anyway. Dinner is almost done. Um, just take a seat and make yourself at home, dinner isn't far away." Andrew added with caution before turning his attention to the stove. As I stood in my step, I was a little taken back by everything. Slowly making my way over to the dinner table, I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang