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a/n: i spent a large chunk of time writing this chapter, just for half of it to not save properly and vanish. had to rewrite it again :/ not happy. but hope your day is going good guys x


It hit me the hardest as I looked at the photograph on my home screen. The longer I kept my eyes locked on the smiling coach, the more hurt I was feeling for him.

To say I was missing Nate was an understatement. Just knowing that he was up and doing what he loves would be enough for me. But that seemed impossible the longer he remained unconscious.

"What are you looking at Scarlett?" Nick casually asked. I took a last look at Nate's photo, before putting away my phone.

"The work group chat." I lie, taking a seat next to the teenager. Even though my attention was on screen, it was safe to say my mind was on Nate and his current condition.

"You know, one day I am going to be just like Marc Murphy." Nick chimed out.

"That's great Nick." I add half-interested, with no clue what he was talking about. Would it be wrong of me to say that I could care less?

"Josh had to head over to Collingwood. I'm guessing his coach wanted the team to do more training. So it's only going to be me and you." Nick remarked and put his hands in the bag of chips.

"Your brother mentioned it on his way out. I was already up then." I add with a shrug of my shoulders. It was silent between us. It always had been after my outburst at him the other day.

All I seemed to do was have outbursts at the wrong people. Neither Preston or Nick deserved it, but for some reason they were in the firing line.

I turn my attention onto the TV screen. A replay of last week's game between Collingwood and Port Adelaide was on.

"Hey look, there's the bro on TV." Nick exclaimed and pointed at the screen.

"Are you okay Scarlett?" Nick asked, looking over at with concern. I managed to put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine Nick." I answered in a whisper. The loud knock at the door caught us both by surprise.

"Are you expecting anyone today?" Nick asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I don't think I am. Unless that's your brother home early from training?" I add with a shrug.

"Interesting. You should go and get the door. I'll bring out the shotgun if we do need it." Nick exclaimed.

"I don't own any guns Nick." I say in confusion.

"Well then, I'll use a frying pan instead. Tucker Murray isn't going to take another step in this house." Nick exclaimed.

"Right." I answer and head to the door. As I opened it, it was fair to say that my guard was bought down slightly.


"Hi Scarlett." He exclaimed. I observed the brunette coach. Going by the lack of his usual work attire, I took a guess that there wasn't any training today.

"Have I come at a bad time?" Theo asked, as I shook my head.

"No, we we're just watching TV." I casually add.

"We?" Theo asked in confusion.

"Yeah. I'm looking after him for a friend. Sorry, what's this about? Did you hear anything about Nate?" I question, folding my arms together.

"That's what I actually wanted to talk to you about. Do you mind if we had a chat now?" Theo asked as I could feel my heart sink. It was at this moment alarm bells had started ringing. God no. This couldn't be it.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora