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"Hey. Hey, where do you think you're going?" A roar emerged from behind me as I kept my head down and continued walking. The entire day was too much. I was already dealing with conversation with Aarohi and Andrew the other day, and now seeing Tom get arrested, I didn't know what to think anymore.

"Don't you dare ignore me. Scarlett, stop!" His voice bellowed as I let a gasp when he turned me around and I had come face to face with his angered eyes.

"What do you want from me Easton?"

"What the hell is going on? First Marcus isn't playing with us, now Tom is arrested. What the fuck happened?"

"Why are you dragging Marcus into this? Obviously you know why he isn't playing. And you think that I'd know what happened -"

"Don't give me that Scarlett. You were already here at the time Tom got arrested. Which is funny, because you'd have no reason to be here after making it clear where your priorities laid last year."

"I didn't fucking know the police were gonna come here and arrest Tom at your football club today -"

"What's that copper talking about? What investigation? How come we've lost yet another player, fuck!"

"Easton, you're making it seem like I caused the club to lose players."

"Sweetheart. In case you didn't realise, Marcus isn't here. If you didn't cheat on him, he wouldn't have runaway and now we're potentially gonna lose Tom too if he's involved in a police investigation."

"You're absolutely full of shit, considering that you had a go at me when I tried telling everyone Marcus was in danger." I yelled at him, but the built footballer in front of me stood stoic, as if my anger meant absolutely nothing to him.

"He wouldn't have been in danger if he hadn't gotten back together with him. If you had just stayed away, he wouldn't have been kidnapped. Marcus was already being stupid with the drinking and carrying on, but he wouldn't be resorting to that if you hadn't gotten involved with that stupid Essendon kid."

"You're no saint yourself. You left Tiff for Gemma but the minute she dies you couldn't help but to forget about my best friend -"

"Best friend? Scarlett, she couldn't stand you. You belittled her for the men she spent time with and cared more about the Essendon boy than you did about her. Don't hate me, Gemma told me. She couldn't stand you, she couldn't stand him. She thought both of you were awful people."

"You're full of shit." I sneered at him, confused as to why he was saying this to me. Sure, we had our rough patches but Gemma was my closest friend. Surely, she couldn't have said those things?

"You hardly knew about the two of us and when you did, Gemma told me that you completely against it. Yet she was supportive of you and Andrew - which in my opinion, she didn't need to be."

"My relationship with Andrew is none of your buisness considering you were to busy stroking your own ego whilst your teammate was on the verge of death -"

"You were the one who made your relationship public after everybody saw you with Andrew between the sheets. I was there. Tom was there. And all those people saw. We all became involved in your stupid relationship when we had to see your hands all over the boy that wasn't Marcus." He screamed out loud as all I could do was stand in complete shock.

How dare he turn the entire situation and make me the bad guy?

"Did you - Did it ever go through your thick head that what happened that night was criminal? What happened at the Best and Fairest night should never have happened -"

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now