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"Maybe Bea is hiding in here somewhere." Zaine obnoxiously added, as he looked around a packed John Cain Arena.

"Why would she be here?" I mutter.

"Don't the Melbourne Vixens play their games here?" He asked with a shrug.

Everywhere you looked, you were reminded of the netballer's disappearance. It was all over in the news, on social media and even on the back of busses.

I hadn't heard of Bea's apperent absence until yesterday. Yet it had felt like she was gone for years. It was becoming a little alarming. First Kyle's ex Violet had randomly vanished. Now Bea was also missing too.

I hoped that the two cases weren't connected.

"You know. It feels like that there's more people that watch an AFL game, than there are here today." He snickered, as I rolled my eyes.

"That's because there's a bigger capacity at Marvel than there is at JCA idiot." I point out.

"Hey Scarlett! I'm so sorry, I was trying to find where you were seated. Oh, and who's this?" Zara asked as she sat on the empty seat next to me.

"Nah. I just think more people want to watch me play football. That is all." Zaine added and laughed to himself.

"This is a friend of mine. Zaine." I chime in as he ignored the basketballer.

"Oh." Zara added. "Anyway. I'm so excited for the game."

"I'm nervous." I admit, noticing that we were sat amidst a whole heap of Phoenix fans. This was going to be a very long night.

"Why? Worried that you're going to end up missing like Beatrice?" Zaine questioned.

"Who's Bea?" Zara asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"No I - I'm talking about the game Zaine. It's a big one since my boyfriend is coaching a throwdown, and that's a big deal." I exclaim in annoyance.

"What's a throwdown? Oh, are we going to see people throw hands like it's the UFC?" Zaine asked in excitement. I shook my head.

"It's like when Adelaide play Port Adelaide and people call it a showdown. Except in this case it's called a throwdown when South East Melbourne take on United." I explain, noticing a woman glaring at me.

"Take a picture woman. It'll last longer." Zaine scoffed at the stranger.

She continued to look at us. Her appearance reminding me of a wannabe Instagram model.

"Oh yuck, United. They suck. Cannot stand them, or their arrogant players. Especially not that Landon Baker. He's an absolute sook and a dog player. Don't even get me started on their coach too. Arrogant as hell." She rambled, as I immediately began getting up from my seat.

"No Scarlett. Don't even think about it. She's not worth it. Trust me." Zaine warned me, holding his arm out to stop me.

"That K-Mart Kardashian better watch it. Or else I'll puncture those balloon lips of hers." I stammer. Zara immediately burst out in laughter.

"Jordanah would be impressed honestly." He added and turned to look onto the court.

It was unsurprising that United were leading the game. They hadn't lost the lead at all since the first term got underway. Even Zaine was heavily invested in the game, despite complaining that I was causing him pain by watching a sport that wasn't AFL.

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