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"Jordanah?" I exclaim, standing in front of the blonde. It was hard to recognise her in her floral dress. Though the Bulldog badge of Taylor she wore on her scarf helped to identify that it was my friend.

"What?" She groaned in annoyance, chewing on a mouth full of caesar salad. "Oh my god, sorry Scarlett. I thought you were one of my colleagues."

"You don't like your colleagues?" I question her, and take a seat at the table. I needed to ask her about Brisbane, whether she wanted me to or not.

"Nope. They're always wanting to talk to me and it's really annoying. Like oh my god, give me some space please. It's even worse because it's my last day for my internship today, everybody wants to sit and ask me stuff. Except that Leo guy. He's looking to get in my pants, and has been wanting my number since day one." Jordanah added with a sigh.

"It's because you're a catch. I'm not surprised that guys are falling to your feet." I chuckle.

"Scarlett. Leo is a MP. But not just any MP, a Liberal MP. Do you know what that would mean if I was dating one of those?" She asked in disgust.

"I don't know, what would it mean?" I question her, confused by her statement.

"It would be terrible for my brand. Imagine, going from Charlie to that idiot." Jordanah rambled.

"Wow." I add with a chuckle. Did this girl forget she dated, and had kids with Jordan? I'd say that's probably a lot worse.

"Oh, you would not believe who I've seen around on the street a few times during my internship!" Jordanah exclaimed suddenly, putting down her fork in her salad container.

"Who?" I ask, adjusting the claw clip in my hair.

"Jy Simpkin. Oh my gosh, he's just as pretty in real life as he is on the TV screen." She added in excitement. I squinted my eyes at her.

"What is up with you and North Melbourne players? Mason Wood, Nick Larkey and now Jy. Did you secretly start supporting the Kangaroos over Carlton all of a sudden?" I ask her.

"God no. I'm still a Carlton supporter. Anyway, he's so sweet. Jy saw me in Woolies last time and said good morning in the diary section." Jordanah gushed.

Hmm. I couldn't help but to wonder if this meant her and Taylor were over. Especially after the mess of yesterday.

"Do you guys like know each other?" I ask her.

"Nah. I guess he must of seen me that many times, and was being polite." She added, grinning wide. I slowly nodded my head.

"Right." I exclaim slowly.

"What? Are you jealous because Jy Simpkin said hi to me and not you?" Jordanah giggled.

"I know about what happened in Brisbane. Plus the situation with Georgia and the phonecall happened. So seeing you so giddy about Jy makes me wonder -"

"I don't want to talk about Brisbane. At all Scarlett." Jordanah muttered, going back to eating her salad.

"Why would you bring another guy in your room? Why would you and Silas be in bed together when you're with Taylor?" I ask her. I could tell this comment hit a nerve, as she began closing the lid of her salad.

"What the hell Scarlett? You're making it sound like I slept with the guy." She exclaimed in anger.

"Did you?" I ask her. The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god, no. I didn't sleep with Silas. Why would I? We were just laying down and watching the football. It's nothing like what you, or everyone else thinks it is." Jordanah added with a sigh.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora