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There are three things in life that are certain. Death, taxes, and the fact that our lives would change forever. Though, I wasn't sure how.

As I watched the nurses at Daniel's bedside, I had a strange feeling that something very wrong.

I couldn't remember a lot of what happened. Everything had blurred together. I thought that I was going to die after I failed to get out of the fire. Yet somehow, I had escaped death once again. If there was such thing as guardian angels, for some reason, mine wanted me to survive.

Perhaps it had something to do with the newborn that I held in my arms. God, I never thought that I'd be able to say that. But I could. The newborn, my newborn child. After everything that I had been through, I was now a mother.

If your father was here with me, little one, he would have absolutely adored you.

As I stayed by the window, I stared at my cousin, who didn't seem like he would be waking up anytime soon.

"Scarlett?!" Landon chimed out as I turned around and faced the basketballer. "You need to be resting. Both of you need to be resting."

"I need to be here for Daniel. I need to be here for Jordanah, too. Where is she? I haven't seen her since we were in the house." I mumble, looking around in fear.

"They're being looked after. You need to be as well, and your baby. It's cold out here, the both of you need your rest." He said with a sigh.

"I need to know if they're okay. They were in the fire -" I began, but stopped myself as he covered me with his jacket unexpectedly.

"Let me take you back to your room so you both can warm up. I promise to wait by your side for the news about your friends." He pleaded and held his hand out. I hesitated for a moment before eventually latching my fingers between his.

"I was expecting you to be at home." I tell him as the two of us headed back to my room.

"Don't you remember? I was with Zac and Sam when you called. They're both outside, by the way. They'll come later, but the nurses needed your details at the front desk. I noticed you were walking around, which is why I came over." Landon explained slowly. I stopped walking and looked at him with a frown.

"Landon, where are we?" I ask, battling the bright lights above us.

"We're at the hospital, Scarlett. You were bought here so you and your baby could be looked after." He exclaimed.

"Right." I muttered and nodded my head.

"Hey. It'll be alright. Let's get you back to your bed before the nurses give you or me a grumble." He sighed and continued to guide me through into my room. I put my newborn in the compartment next to my bed before attempting to get under the covers, albeit in a lot of pain after the birth. As the basketballer covered me with the blanket, I managed to let out a small smile.

It was hard not to think about Daniel. To see him lay in bed like that helpless was awful. Then there was Jordanah. The last I saw of her was when she managed to get out of the fire before I did.

Once again, Tom had caused trouble in our lives. Thought this time, I was fearful that lives could be lost.

"So this is him? The new arrival?" Landon asked suddenly. He then picked up the baby and started to cradle him in his arms.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now