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For ages I had been wondering what was going on between Jordanah and Jordan, but wasn't any closer to finding out because we ran into Ed at Starbucks. Obviously I didn't want to talk about Jordanah's secret in front of the redhead, but it didn't seem like I could even if I wanted to because Ed was an absolute wreck.

God, I hope the little redhead was alright. I cannot even begin to imagine how he must be feeling right now after becoming dragged into such a messy situation.

Far out Tom. Always had to stoop further than any of us could have imagined. From the horrible best and fairest night, the constant harassment of both Marcus and I and now what he did to Olivia, something had to be done about that man.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you Scarlett. Ever since you went off to go search for Marcus, I've been worried sick about yourself and about Jordan." Vanessa admitted as I bought back to reality from my ill-tempered thoughts about Tom.

After Ed's outburst at Starbucks, Zaine and Georgia met us near the cafe and we filled them on in everything. To say the couple were upset was quite the understatement. Although, I wasn't sure if Zaine or Georgia was more upset when I mentioned the bet. And after the couple went off to search for Ed, I wasn't sure what exactly happened afterwards as I headed over to the Rougheads' house.

"It's good to see you again too Vanessa. I actually can't believe I'm here myself. After everything, it still doesn't feel real." I casually add as my eyes trail over the photograph of Jordan and Vanessa on their engagement night.

"I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying that would have been for all of you. Jesus, there was like a whole ambush at the casino with the police and an explosion? I - are you alright?" Vanessa asked stunned as all I could do was let out a sigh.

"You know, I'm not the one who you should be concerned about. I mean I'm alive after all."

"Scarlett. Of course I'm going to be concerned about you. You also went through something traumatic going on that trio to look for Marcus. When nobody else wanted to know what happened to that boy, you stood up and fought up against the criticism."

"So where's Jordan at? I thought he'd be home by now?" I asked attempting to change the conversation.

"He's still not back from his jog, which doesn't surprise me. He's recently been training a lot more than he needs to be. Which I find strange but I guess the dogs are wanting him to step up his game I suppose." She added as I looked over at her. Did she not know about her fiancés move to Collingwood next season? Jesus Christ Jordan. Not telling her about Jordanah and now you aren't telling her about your new team? What's actually going on?

"He's been training a lot more than usual? Isn't that a little strange to you Vanessa?"

"Strange? Oh no. He's a footballer, that's his dream and always has been. I totally get it. He wants to be the best athlete that he can and it makes even better that the club's acknowledging his hard work."

I really hated keeping this poor woman in the dark. I'm practically guilty by sitting here and not saying anything about what Jordan's hiding from her. One of the only people who've been supportive to me and I'm screwing that up by lying straight to her face.

God, I'm a horrible person.

"Don't you - Don't you think that it's strange that the club is suddenly acknowledging Jordan when he hasn't been picked to play for about two years?" I questioned her, hoping that she would try and see that there was something suspicious about Jordan's behaviour.

"I don't know. It's honestly not my place to get involved with club politics or whatever. I'm just greatful that he's going to finally be able to run out onto the field again and just do what he loves."

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