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I had been given the all-clear to go home. But there was nothing to celebrate.

Josh was still in hospital and hadn't yet waken up. None of the Collingwood guys had any idea when he'd be okay.

Then from one disappointment, to another. Chet also was yet to be discharged from the hospital. If you were going by what the doctors and nurses were saying, it didn't seem that he'd make it.

The United guys didn't take the news well. Rocky was devastated as the pair became quite close this season. Chris was speechless, a first according to those at the club.

It was a shock for Nate too. After everything he had gone through with me, he was hit with potentially losing one of his players.

None of us could believe it.

"That's weird." Zaine added in disgust, as I glanced around half-interested.

It had been a few weeks since Nate saved me from almost drowning. I still didn't know what Alex had locked me inside of. I wasn't even going to bother asking Aarohi and her team of 'crime fighters'. I'd have better luck finding out if I started a converstation with the walls.

It was ironic. Even though I had escaped from the hellhole, it felt like I was still trapped.

"What is?" I mutter, wrapping my arms around my legs.

"It says that there's double the amount of people going to the Wuhan hospital than there was a month ago. Apperently something's going around. But I think people are asking for medical certificates because the lazy buggers don't want to work anymore." Zaine grumbled.

"That's nice." I say with a sigh.

"So have you been in to see Joshua and the other bloke?" Zaine asked suddenly.

"Everyday I have basically. Mostly on my own, but also with Nate when he's not busy with work." I explain sadly.

"How is Josh? Oh, and your friend too. The basketballer?" Jordanah asked with concern.

"Josh is still the same. He lost a lot of blood apperently. I'm still at a loss for words because he saved Nate's life. And you know, Chet is doing not good either. Zac's told me they're considering turning off life support. So that answers that." I exclaim and let out a sigh.

"Scarlett, I'm so sorry." Jordanah added with a frown.

"You're not the one who should be sorry. Alex caused most of the problems. Vanessa partly did too." I angrily say.

"Wow. Another bites the dust in Melbourne. Maybe. How many people died so far? There was that hot chick that kidnapped us, Madeline. That Indian woman that dated Darcy Parish. Little Caleb and big Shane. Betty White and oh Elvis and - "

"Zaine. For the love of god, stop naming random dead celebrities that you can think of. It's not helping anybody." Jordanah snapped.

"Bea is dead too." I muttered.

"Wait. She's like actually dead?" Zaine asked in shock.

"Josh Dunkley's girlfriend is dead. She was fighting with Vanessa over something and somehow she fell apperently. Now she's dead." I explain. It was beyond me how Vanessa was walking around free after everything she's done.

Though she didn't commit much of the mess. She helped to cause a lot of it. It wouldn't surprise me if she used her pregnancy to get out of jail.

"It doesn't make sense why she isn't in prison. She's killed Bea, or maybe it's manslaughter. But she's also stolen eyedrops and money from some of the Collingwood guys' lockers too. Surely that has to lead to some jail time?" Jordanah asked in confusion.

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