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"Are you alright, Scarlett?" Josh asked as his voice bought me back to reality. I let out a sigh and turned to face the footballer.

"Yeah, of course I am." I say and take one last look at the couple sitting on the seats nearby.

It had been some time since I had said goodbye to Nate. But things were still difficult for me, which was only made clearer the longer I stayed in this airport. 

I didn't want to be back here again. The memories of that afternoon were still strong on my mind to this day. But it was Carter's last time in Melbourne before he flew out to Sydney. So I didn’t have much of a choice, seeing as I had to be here for him.

"Yuck. I still can't believe that you're going to be playing for the Giants. That's worse than playing for the Bulldogs, no offence Scarlett and Zaine." Jordanah chimed in.

"At least I got drafted." Carter added confidently.

We were now getting ready to send off the teenager. Carter's dad, Owen, was already at the airport with him when we met the pair there. Josh had driven his brother, Zaine, and myself up there to say our goodbyes.

Surprisingly, Jordanah and Trent had come down to the airport, too. I wasn't completely sure why.

Trent hardly hung out with us unless his girlfriend bought him with her. Then there was Jordanah, who could care less about the teenager. I couldn't understand why either of them were here this afternoon.

We had spent much of the time taking photos and videos whilst waiting for Carter's flight to take off. Photos and videos that I know we'd probably post on our socials later.

"We look cute in these pictures, don't we, Scarlett?" Carter exclaimed as he pointed at the photo on his phone of us pulling faces in front of the giant departures sign.

"I think so, too." I chuckle. "Although, the one of Zaine and Nick doing the Titanic pose is the best."

"Trent did the Titanic with me better this one time. Just saying." Jordanah obnoxiously remarked.

I noticed Nick look on with discomfort at the blonde's comment. It was difficult to sit back and watch Jordanah gloat about her relationship in front of Nick. As happy as I was that she found Trent, she didn't need to treat her ex like she did.

Out of all her exes, Nick was by far the best. He treated her well during the time she was with him. The same couldn't be said about Jordan, Taylor, and even Charlie. Nick was the one that still respected Jordanah post break-up - even when there were times she honestly didn't deserve it.

"I hope you'll prepare yourself when we play in your territory, Carter. We're going to whoop your ass." Nick exclaimed.

"Please. Collingwood aren't going to be ready for when GWS unleash me out onto the field." Carter chuckled as I watched him put Nick in a headlock and rub his hair.

"Boys, calm down." Owen mumbled in annoyance at the two boys.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Jetstar Flight JQ500. Melbourne through to Sydney. We are now inviting all economy passengers to board through gate 51." The announcer said over the speaker.

"Hey bud, they've just called you to board your flight." Owen added, soon giving his son a big hug. As I least expected, I began to tear up as I watched the moment between the father and son.

"The cheapskates at the Giants couldn't afford to send their top draft pick in buisness class." Zaine mumbled, receiving a shush from Josh.

"No way that you're crying, Scarlett?" Jordanah asked in disbelief.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang