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a/n: hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. thank you for those that have stuck around, love you 💓 hope y'all continue to stick around because im planning a new story for you all once smoke concludes :)


"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I question, unsure whether I had misheard the woman.

"I am here anytime if you need someone to talk to Scarlett." The blonde practitioner added, as she held my hands.

"But I don't understand." I whisper.

The moment replayed once again in my mind. Empty was perhaps the best way to describe how I was feeling. Although, right now I wasn't even sure if that's close to what I'm feeling.

"Alright. What the hell is going on? Did you run into that Alex guy again?" Monique asked me in frustration.

"I didn't run into Alex." I mutter, and watch the cars drive past on the nearby road.

"It's because something happened at your doctor's appointment then, right?" Monique asked. I bowed my head down. I wasn't in the mood to be speaking right now.

"Let it go Mon." I exclaim and adjust the glittery clips in my hair.

"What happened Scarlett? What did that doctor tell you that's gotten you shaken up?" Monique pleaded with me, as all I could do was let out a sigh.

"I - I need to get to the bathroom Monique. Seriously, nothing happened. Now let me go, or else I'll scream." I warned the brunette. She shook her head, eventually dropping the subject. Without another word, I headed towards the entrance of the basketball court.

I had realised that it wasn't the greatest idea to stop at the bathrooms over at United's training court. But I needed to get out of the car rightaway and unfortunately, the basketball court was the closest to the clinic. If one of the players or their partners saw me in the emotive state I was in, there's no doubt word would get back to Nate once he'd get back from Taipei.

I rushed into the women's bathroom and towards one of the sinks. As I gripped the edge of the basin, I felt at a complete loss. Despite a minor mishap, things had been going well in my relationship. But now, I was unsure what this news would mean for my future with Nate.

"Hi. Are you okay there?" Evelyn asked nervously, clutching the strap of her Gucci bag. I didn't realise that she was already in the bathroom. She slowly began walking up to me.

"I was on my way to the bathroom actually. But I saw you running in. So I wanted to see if you were okay." She explained to me with a shakey tone.

I'm fine. That's what I wanted to tell the woman so she would leave me alone. But in my attempt to get her to go, the words coming out of my mouth resembled a sobbing mess.

"I'm sorry, but I can't understand you. Would you like me to get someone? One of my husband's teammates might be nearby." She added, looking around as if those teammates would suddenly walk in.

"I don't want to talk to anyone Evelyn." I mumble loud enough for her to hear.

"Are you sure? I mean you do look really upset. I might be able to help you if you'd let me. It's Scarlett, isn't it?" She added, pushing the topic once more.

"You can't help me Evelyn. Nobody can unfortunately." I say, feeling overwhelmed by everything. Even Evelyn was overwhelming me right now. I slid down the tiled wall and took a seat on the floor. The potential for germs were far from my mind right now.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now