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"Are you okay?" Zac asked, looking over at me with worry. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. I guess it's just a bit surreal to be back at the spot where Alex took me. But I'll be fine." I exclaim and let out a sigh. The footballer hesistated for a moment, before placing a hand upon my shoulder.

"Of course you'll be okay Scarlett. Everyone at Melbourne is here for you. I'm also here for you too." Zac added with a sympathetic smile. I smile back at him. 

"I don't think I've ever told you this before, but you're pretty amazing. I don't think I'd know where I'd be if it weren't for you and the rest of the crew that fought to find me." I admit. 

"What was that Scarlett? I must of misheard you, what am I again?" He teased as I rolled my eyes, letting out a laugh.

"You heard me Zac. I said that you're pretty amazing. Now let's get going, the other's are probably wondering where we've gotten to." I add and push open the door. The two of us began making our way to the front entrance. It was an odd feeling because I hadn't been here in ages. I looked over at Zac who smiled at me. Thank goodness he was here, by my side. 

"SCARLETT!" Casey and Sam shout in unison, as we both walked into the court. Immediately the training session they planned had stopped. Everyone's eyes were upon me and to say I felt awkward was an understatement. The two basketballers soon raced up to us, wrapping their arms around me.

"Hey guys." I mutter. As I look up, I could see Landon making his way up to me.

"You're out of hospital already Scarlett?" He asked in surprise.

"Don't act surprised. You were the one who told us first about the news." Preston added with a smirk.

"Our head coach is going to be so happy that you're here." A dark skinned man exclaimed happily. 

"Understatement of the year Melo." Casey pointed out.

"I think you're gonna be happy to see someone too." Sam added in excitement.

"My boyfriend? Because yeah, obviously I'm always happy to see him." I say, wondering about the basketballer's comments. I had noticed it had fallen quiet. For a moment I wondered what was going on. But as I had realised what everyone was looking at, I soon burst into tears. 

It was Chet, right in front of my eyes. He was walking alongside Theo, both of them in a seemingly serious converstation. But whatever that was had become cut short, because the basketballer looked over at me. 

"Chet? Is that really you?" I add in disbelief.

"Holy shit. Scarlett. Scarlett, you're alive." Chet muttered in shock. I rushed over immediately and hugged him. However odd it might look to the others, I didn't care. I didn't care what anybody said or thought. But Chet became almost like a brother to me during our ordeal. For the amount of time I was trapped with him, I had wanted to do everything I could to keep him safe. In some ways, it was a silver lining to have Chet by my side in a time where I genuinely thought that my time would be up. 

"Yes. Yes, I am. And you are too. Oh Chet. I'm just so happy to see you. I was so scared that after Alex took me away, he was going to severely harm you -" 

"Hey. Let's not think about that now." Chet added, as he pulled back from the hug. "It's a new day today. We're still here with everybody. We're standing in the halls of the best NBL team this season. Let's take a moment to enjoy it." 

"AMEN TO THAT BROTHER." Melo added in excitement.

"It's good to have you both back, safe and sound guys." Theo added as he looked at Chet and myself.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin