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He was born with a gift of charm. The unfortunate ability of cockiness he felt would bring anyone that stood in his way to succumb to his orders. I couldn't believe that Jeremy would turn the disaster of what happened into a finanical gain for the club. Bowing my head down, I was frustrated that once again a man at the top was involving explotation in order to make it appear as if he was a kind of hero. 

I did hope that the choice I made to storm out gave him the impression that the deal was off. It was difficult to see how either Marcus or myself would be helped if I were to give the club an exclusive.

Had I of agreed to this duplicitous plan, everything obviously that I was to say would be scripted or, the questions asked would be biased  just to make the club look like complete angels. It would also help them gain more attention considering that they aren't as big membership wise compared to other teams in the league. Thinking about how it would help either Marcus or myself, the odds were definitely not in our favour. Anything scripted could mean that story isn't going to be told the way I'd want, or potentially even strain Marcus' reputation even more than it's already been. 

It was difficult to put into words have much I hated this, but of course, it wasn't needed for me to go around and telling people that this was the plan that Jeremy had posed to me. Yeah, it was a dick move. But personally, I had much bigger things to deal with at the moment. 

I darted my eyes over at the blonde woman sitting in front of me and observed her eating the sandwhich roll she held in her hands. I had to admit that it was nice to sit with Georgia. Considering in the years I've become familar with the girlfriends and partners associated with the club, it was strange that I hadn't gotten many chances to sit down and get to know Georgia. Other than from what I heard about her through boyfriend Zaine and through Jordanah, there wasn't much I knew about her personally. 

"You know, you look a lot different as a blonde." She added casually as I sighed, expecting her to ask how my meeting - if you could even call it that - had gone with the one and only, Jeremy Scott. 

"Really? But you still recognised me Georgia."

"Well, Zaine may have mentioned that his best friend went blonde." She responded as I rolled my eyes. Trust Zaine to go around telling everyone that I was his best friend. Bet Charlie must be pissed that I've taken another person away from him. 

"You don't need to worry. I'm gonna get it fixed later on. Honestly, I'm sick of it and think it looks disgusting."

"I think it looks cute but it's up you Scarlett. It's your choice on what you do." She added with a smile before taking another bite of her sandwhich roll. 

It was quiet between us. It also was quiet at the shop. I would have expected more people to be around here considering it was a popular joint. Other than the staff that were working here and the two of us, the only other people that were in this store was a mother with a stroller and an elderly man on the otherside of the cafe. Since I had told Georgia about I really felt about my hair, I might as well continue to be honest to myself. I was worried that one of the other wags that I disliked was going to stroll right on through and start up converstation, wanting to know where myself and the others had spent for the last few months. What if Emily or even an ex wag such as Rebeccah is going to walk on through and pick a fight with me? It was bad enough that the girls started something with Charlie at the funeral, so I wouldn't have been surprised if that was the case today. 

"I know that you're probably wondering what happened in the office -"

"Look, I might of overreacted before. I mean I was serious about not trusting him but I didn't mean to be so frantic about it back at the office." Georgia admitted after cutting me off, looking apologetic as I just sighed. 

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