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So apperently taking Ivan under my wing seemed to be a bad mistake on my behalf.  And that was according to Sophia who seemed to have a go at me for no real reason.

As I sat back on the couch and felt myself zone out from one of Zaine's stories, I recalled the encounter that somehow put me in my colleagues bad books. I sighed to myself, vividly remembering the encounter in my head.

"So that's it? You don't know where the building is so you ditch the session, which you wanted in the first place?" Sophia raised her tone at the boy, lecturing him in the middle of the workplace.

"I didn't ditch the session. You just left. If it was so much of a problem, then you could of came and gotten me." Ivan roared back as Sophia rolled her eyes. As I was coming out of Todd's office, I shut the door behind me and kept observing the pair in front of me.

"What kind of intern are you? God. I'm not your mother Ivan. I'm not paid here to hold your hand and drag you to my desk so I can edit your stupid article." She fired up as I shook my head, unimpressed how she was handling things.

"If you think it's stupid, then why did you agree to help me? I thought everyone here would be willing to help me since I haven't even been here that long."

"Guess it's time you got a reality check Ivan. Getting in this industry is not all sunshine and rainbows. Right from day one, you'll be expected to be independent and know the skills - which going by your behaviour, I don't see you working out in the sports department." She scoffed as I sighed, pushing open the door and marching up to the pair. Great spot to pick have an argument in; right in front of everybody including your boss Sophia.

"Okay. What the hell is going on here?" I questioned as Ivan shot me an apologetic look.

"Go away Scarlett. I'm trying to discipline the new kid here." She exclaimed as I felt myself becoming frustrated. Discipline? This was coming from the same girl who wanted me to conjure up a story in order to get me matchmaked with a doctor a few years back - on a day where we ditched work might I add.

"We're journalists, not working for HR Sophia." I added, rolling my eyes.

"Scarlett. You of all people know the importance of keeping on time and to a strict deadline -"

"Deadline? You didn't take any of that into consideration when you got a chance to flirt with your girlfriend." I interjected, recieving a look of disgust from the brunette journalist.

"That is inappropriate Scarlett. I was just helping her out since she's considered a colleague I guess." She defensively added.  Colleague? Mia is an intern, stop trying to dance around the topic Sophia.

"You want to know what's inappropriate? Screaming at an intern in the middle of the workplace? Do you how bad that looks? Just because we work for Fox Sports, doesn't mean that other industries are gonna see us. Our department is close to Sky News. What are you gonna do if a doctor or a politician walks past to see you belittling Ivan?" I questioned her as she started at me blankly.

"Of course you care about reputations, just like those politicians you emphasise walking past. You're just as pretentious as they are. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if you're using Andrew to work your way up the ranks."

"Yeah, that's the way Sophia. Push me down with stupid remarks because you've realised you're in the wrong."
"Whatever Scarlett. I have stuff to get on with." She mumbled, rushing over towards the newsroom.

Recalling the incident in my mind, I couldn't help to annoy me. It replayed over, and over in my mind as I sat in the living room, trying to keep up with Jordanah's explanation of some war film.

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