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Apparently, Jordanah was ranting to me about Zac and Diana for the entire night. It was a surprise to wake up to an assortment of text messages from the mother, though I was not aware of this until the morning. The reason being was because after being dropped off home by Nate, I immediately went to bed and fallen fast asleep.

But it wasn't just Jordanah's rants that I had woken up to. The unexpected news about Tucker Murray had also spread across online, and so I had to catch myself up on what had happened.

Scanning over the headline on The Daily Mail website, I could see Ed laid on the couch whilst playing with a rubric cube.

"Fox Sports' Tucker Murray embroiled in a leaked recording saga." I read out loudly, causing the redhead to snicker.

"What's the idiot done now?" Ed asked.

"From what I gather from the article, he said some pretty bad things about a few of his colleagues. So they've stood him down." I exclaim. As I flickered my eyes over to the footballer, I couldn't help but to feel frustrated.

"Could tell he was the type to cause trouble like that. There was something about him that was a red flag. But I could never put my finger on it." Ed added with disinterest.

"Can I ask you something Ed?" I suddenly ask.

"Yeah, sure. Is this about Zaine? Jordanah? One of my other teammates perhaps?" He asked, as he threw the rubric cube behind him.

"Can you give me an explanation of how you could be so stupid?" I asked, suddenly shutting the lid of my laptop.

It still was a little strange having my cousin just gone the way he did. No warning, he had just packed his bags and left. Now the apartment was once again empty, back to how it normally was. Turning my attention onto the redhead, I shook my head.

"What do you mean? What the hell did I do?" Ed asked suddenly, as he sat up on the couch.

"I know about the fight you had with Tucker. But not through you. I had to find out through Kyle, who found out through Lara. I don't understand Ed. You risked your job, your reputation even because you just couldn't help yourself." I sternly add, noticing the look of confusion on Ed's face.

"You should be happy Scarlett. That man is awful, and now that the audio was leaked, we won't have to see him again for a while hopefully." Ed exclaimed as I let out a sigh.

"I'm not talking about the leaked audio Ed. I'm talking about your choice to get in a fight with someone at my workplace. When you went down with Kyle and Diana that afternoon, you said you wanted to find out what happened. Except you didn't. You end up fighting with a complete stranger -"

"No. I fought Tucker Murray, which I thought you'd be much happier about. He treats everybody around him terribly and deserves what he's gotten." Ed snarled, as all I could do was shake my head at him.

"But Ed, you didn't know it was Tucker. You thought it was my editor, and don't you dare tell me that I'm wrong. Word was getting around. It somehow entered into Lara's netball circle. You're so lucky that you didn't end up with a suspension on your record." I added angrily, noticing the redhead seem uninterested in what I had to say.

"You gotten in trouble with the club for your stupid fight yet?" I questioned him, overhearing him let out a scoff.

"No. It was a silly little thing anyway. If it was a big deal, which you're making it out like it for some reason, then the club would of given me a fine or whatever. They don't even know about what happened Scarlett. So I don't even know why you're worrying." He added and shrugged his shoulders.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora