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The world was not as it once was.

Every channel you flicked onto showed the same story. People getting admitted to hospital. Stores closing down out of fear. Politicians urging us to be calm.

But be calm about what exactly?

In all my 26 years of living, I couldn't remember anything in life that came close to what we were going through right now.

"I love you too Nate." I say with a smile, before hanging up the phone.

It had been a few days since Zac was taken to the hospital, yet none of us knew what was wrong with him. Though it seemed to have caused a domino effect with Carter, Adeline, Chris, Maggie, Evelyn, and my work colleague Alice all needing to seek medical attention themselves.

I couldn't stop thinking about Zac, and of course Diana too. It certainly would have been scary to sit through something like this. I know I was an absolute mess when Nate was in the hospital during that time.

"Was that your boyfriend on the phone?" Daniel asked from behind his laptop screen.

"Yeah. He was just checking in since he finished up speaking with the league owner Alvin Zimmerman." I explained.

I closely observed my cousin who just slowly nodded his head.

"You're telling me the name like I'm supposed to know who that is. But anyway, I'm surprised that I'm yet to meet this Nate." Daniel pointed out.

"Weird you two haven't met yet. Hopefully, Nate and I can come back to Australia at the end of the season so I can properly introduce you to him though." I smile, then take a bite out of my donut.

"This bloke of yours must of done a number on you. Donuts at this time of the day? You're the one usually getting on my case for not eating healthy enough." Daniel added, raising an eyebrow.

"There's nothing wrong with a woman wanting an iced donut once in a while." I scoff at the blonde. As I take another bite, I noticed my cousin give me an odd look.

"That's actually your third one today but okay Scarlett." Daniel sighed as shut his laptop and got up from his seat.

"So, what do you think about this virus?" I ask him.

"I know as much as everyone else knows." He said with a shrug.

"You know, Zac Fisher is in the hospital." I suddenly say.

"What? What's going on?" Daniel asked, immediately turning around to face me with worry.

"Diana came over a couple of days ago and said he had to be checked in. Something about feeling really sick. She said he's still in there." I explain, feeling saddened about Zac's condition.

"SCARLETT!" A loud shout emerged from behind the door, then a knock.

"If that's who I think it is." Daniel groaned and shook his head. I head over to open the front door and was immediately greeted by a rambling Zaine Cordy.

"Scarlett! Would you like to come with me on a secret mission?" Zaine shouted excitedly in my face. I looked at him in shock.

"You know it's not a secret if you say it out loud like that, Zaine." I quietly add, unsure how to respond to the footballer.

"Lawyer boy. If you'll excuse us." Zaine obnoxiously added.

"I'm not even in your way Zaine." Daniel remarked, squinting his eyes at him.

"We have some very important buisness to discuss. So you'll have to give us some privacy." Zaine continued.

But what he was continuing on with, I wasn't completely sure.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now