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Although the wedding venue tour wasn't a complete disaster, I still felt guilty. Here was everyone giving up their time to help organise my big day and yet, to an outsider it would have looked liked I didn't care.

Andrew had went to grab lunch as Jordanah and myself sat at the bench, awaiting to see what he'd bring.

"Your fiancé is so nice buying us food. He's not like Zaine, who I gotta remind him to buy groceries for the people who live under his roof." Jordanah snickered as I kept my eyes on the table in front of me.

"I guess."

"I got some news. And I think you're gonna wanna hear it." The blonde mother gleamed, appearing to struggle to hold whatever news she had to herself.

"What is it?"

"Take a guess Scarlett." Jordanah smiled as I shrugged my shoulder.

"I don't know. You won the lottery?" I guessed, receiving a confused look from Jordanah.

"Oh god. I wish I did. But no. Actually I got an offer to intern with Melbourne City Council and I'm soon to start." She added as I let out a smile, happy that her news wasn't tied with any sort of drama.

"Seriously? Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. That's exciting and good timing since you're close to finishing your degree right?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"Yah. It's probably gonna be boring though, but ya know. A girl has to start somewhere, right?" She added with a laugh. As her soft tone slowly started to die, it was beginning to feel forced as she lowered her head down.

"Hey. You good there? I thought you'd be thrilled with the placement? I mean sure, it may not be so glamorous, but it's still a foot in the door and the chance to network with people that you may potentially work for later on in your life."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to get started right away. It's just - I probably feel like there's something I need to tell you." She looked at me nervously, almost as if she was guilty of something.

"What is it? Trouble already before you started as an intern?"

"It's got nothing to do with uni or anything. It's just - I'm kinda seeing someone at the moment." She sighed, as I looked at her in confusion.

"You met someone? Oh I'm happy for you. When did you guys meet? I wanna know the story." I asked her but felt even more confused as she shook her head.

"You know who it is and you probably won't be thrilled with my choice."

"Is it Jordan? Because if it is, you know that it isn't my place to judge. Even though Vanessa is my friend, it'll be wrong to intrude in your business." I pleaded with her as Jordanah looked up at me with a glint of worry in her eyes.

"Okay? It's not Jordan. So then who is it? And why are you so apprehensive to tell me?" I questioned her, still yet to receive a name from the blonde mother.

"Please don't judge. I know it's stupid after everything that happened, but it's Charlie." She admitted as I immediately felt my jaw slowly drop. I wasn't going to judge her, but it was quite the shock to hear.

Charlie and I hadn't made contact in ages. And the last time we were in each other's company was probably at his house after the whole ordeal went down with him getting in a fight with Finn. It seemed to me that Jordanah wasn't aware that I was the one who witnessed the fight, although that may not be the case for long.

"Charlie? Charlie is the guy you're seeing?" I asked her at a loss for words.

"I don't know. Even though we've had our ups and downs, I still think that maybe there's a chance for us to work things out. And honestly, I feel guilty for even thinking that Charlie and you were a thing. It was stupid and childish even. You weren't in a good way, your friend had passed away and you obviously had a bad night since you were drinking heaps that night." Jordanah defended herself as I could overhear a rustle coming from near me.

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