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"In the kitchen, wrist twistin like a stir fry." Zaine continued singing as Jordanah kept sending him cold glares from the white sofa. After Rudi's suggestion at her netball training the other day, we had decided to venture out to one of the city's most popular nightclubs. I was hesitant at first, but after hearing Rudi's view about the positives of a night out, I couldn't help but to eventually agree.

I didn't need Andrew's flippant attitude in my life anymore. His continuous backflips on any potential future between us was something I knew that I didn't need. And this night in the town was a sure-fire way to help me prove to myself that it was the case.

"Can you stop singing that?" Jordanah mumbled in annoyance, as she folded her arms together.

"It's a free country Shields." Zaine retorted.

"What is he singing?" I asked as Jordanah sighed.

"Some stir fry song. It's American believe it or not. He heard the stupid song playing on Josh's phone and now he hasn't stopped singing it."

"I believe it is a Migos song. According to Google that is." Georgia exclaimed as I overheard Jordanah mumbling to herself.

"I swear, nobody listens to any decent music anymore. It's just stupid rap songs that nobody knows what's being said."

"You need to loosen up a bit Jords. Maybe then you'll win over your knight in shining armour Jordan - OUCH!" Zaine screamed out suddenly as I turned around to see the blonde mother whacking the footballer with her boot.

"WHAT THE HELL JORDANAH?" Rudi screamed out as Georgia just rolled her eyes.

"See, now you know what happens when you don't take the trash in when I ask you." Georgia muttered, causing Zaine to shot her a shocked glanced in between copping whacks from the boot.

"Guys please! You promised me that you'd come here and have a fun night." I pleaded as Jordanah paused her motion of attacking Zaine with her shoe, turning to face me.

"Nobody is gonna stop you from making out with every curly haired boy you see in the club Scarlett. So like don't stop me from having my fun." Jordanah exclaimed as she whacked Zaine on the shoulder once more.

Man, it would of been nice to have Andrew with me. Just like old times sake, before all the little arguments of course. I missed it.

"I dare you to call a random number on your phone and pretend that you're breaking up with them." Jordanah screeched out loud as I looked up to see the other girls laughing. Most other times I would of joined in the fun of seeing Zaine making a fool of himself, but tonight I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling anything except for bitterness.

"Oh. Oh you girls are so on. I know the exact person that I'm gonna call. They better be prepared, my inner George Clooney is coming out." Zaine yelled out with excitement.

"Oh my god! Where's Scarlett? She's gonna love hearing that since she's into silver foxes apperently." Jordanah added as I rolled my eyes. Look beside you Shields, prehaps maybe then you'd be able to find me.

"Um, how did Scarlett jump from being engaged with Andrew to some silver fox? Am I missing a few chapters here?" Rudi asked with confusion. I could overhear Jordanah and Zaine laughing their heads off.

"Probably Rudi. But don't worry, Zaine's just being Zaine. He and Jordanah learnt the phrase silver fox and won't shut up about it apperently." Georgia added in annoyance. I let out another sigh. Another day, another annoying silver fox reference. Was this the universe's way of telling me something? I immediately grabbed my bag and was about to head out, until Tim stopped me on his way back from the public restroom.

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