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"What would you guys think if I were to leave. Hypothetically." I cautiously add.

"Leave what? Channel 7? Code Sports? I mean, I've always said you're more fit to be on ESPN anyway. I think they'd treat you way better than Fox Sports ever did." Zac chimed in, taking a bite of his grilled cheese toasty.

"No Zac. I mean what would you think if I were to leave town and start somewhere fresh." I slowly speak up.

Landon immediately lifted his head up and looked at me in confusion.

"Should we be concerned? You've randomly bought up that you want to leave town to start fresh somewhere. Is it Nate? Has he said something to you? I know that you've been staying over with my coach for a while." The basketballer questioned as he stared at me.

"No. Don't be silly." I say. But I could tell both guys weren't buying it.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it considering that I had no idea who knew about the job offer. It was Nate's place to tell his players about it, not mine.

"Alright. So you're not actually planning to leave Melbourne and move elsewhere?" Landon asked quickly.

"She said hypothetically Landon. Honestly, do you ballers actually listen?" Zac scoffed and shook his head.

"I'm not leaving guys, I was just asking. Everything is just fine and dandy." I say with a sigh.

"See Baker. The lady says she's fine and dandy." Zac sang, as I roll my eyes. 

"I don't know, something doesn't sit right with me. You don't seem very happy today Scarlett. What's going on? I've been told that I'm a good listener if you feel that you need to open up." Landon added and folded his arms together.

"Alright Jordan Peterson." Zac sarcastically added and continued to eat his sandwich.

I looked up to face Landon and was tempted to say something about Nate's news. Even though I knew it was something the team had to find out from my boyfriend, it hurt me to stay quiet about it. I could imagine a lot of the guys wouldn't be too pleased that after a whole season, they'd be stuck getting used to yet another coach coming into their lives.

I wasn't sure why Nate hadn't said anything yet, but I just had to respect the choice of his. The basketballer extended his arm out and placed it on my shoulder.

"Hey. You know you can talk to us if something has happened. It's not Nate is it? Oh god, is it Theo? I'll kill him if he's tried anything with you again." Landon sternly spoke.

"Who the hell is Theo?" Zac asked with a mouthful of food.

"No, Theo didn't - I'm fine. Nothing is going on -" I began but cut myself off noticing that Jordanah was storming through the doors of the club. Following in behind her was Kalani, who was yelling at her for some reason.

Oh god, this wasn't going to end well.

"Oh. Decided to show your face around here Scarlett? It took you a while. Although, I think it's rude that you decided to hang with your stupid United buddies over your best friend." Jordanah angrily added. I looked at her, immediately bothered by her presence.

"I didn't realise I went from playing with Carlton to playing for United. Landon, I must be your new teammate." Zac chuckled as I shook my head.

God, and I thought Zaine was bad when it came to not being able to read the room.

"Shut up Zac. I'm here to find out what even is going on with Scarlett. Now that she's back from staying with her aunt, she's free to answer all my questions." Jordanah snapped.

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