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I let out a small smile as I thought about the moment I shared with Nate this morning. It was beyond me how lucky I had gotten to have him in my life.

It had taken some work however, but I managed to get the others to leave - and finally give us two some time alone. That was only after Zaine made a George Clooney joke for the hundredth time, and Zac argued with Jordanah about something trivial.

In a way, it was fitting that Nate was the first person I had over like this at my new place. As I laid in his arms this morning, I couldn't help to think that it was almost symbolic of the new journey that the two of us were on lately.

"Scarlett." Nate called out sternly, as I stood up from behind the open kitchen cupboards.

"I'm in here! I can't seem to find where I put those drinking glasses." I added, confused. Whilst I looked inside the cupboards, I decided to give up on the search since it was likely the glasses where put in storage somewhere. I'd probably see it turn up again when I move into the new apartment later in the week. I turned around and looked to see a concerned looking Nate standing behind me. "What's going on?"

"There's someone at the door for you. He's pretty distraught, but I didn't want to ask about it and sound rude." He added as I frowned, wondering who he was talking about.

"Who is it?" I asked in confusion. As I walked out to living room, I raised an eyebrow upon noticing the pair sitting on my couch.

"Hey Scarlett." Lara awkwardly added, as I looked between her and Kyle.

"Has something happened to your brother?" I ask in confusion. Surely something serious had to of happened, otherwise why would they both show up to my house?

"Kyle's been miserable for most of the day. Dad and I have been trying to get him to speak up, but he's not budging. He's only saying that he needs to speak with you Scarlett." Lara admits, beginning to fiddle with the golden necklace she wore. Looking over at Kyle, I frowned as I noticed that he was sobbing.

"Should I go? I feel like this might be a little personal." Nate retorted, as I shook my head and extended my hand out to stop him.

"No, you should stay Nate." I add, gently grabbing his arm and pulling him down back towards me.

Lara darted her eyes suspiciously at the slender coach, before turning her attention back onto Kyle.

"Okay Kyle, I bought you here. Now are you going to tell me what's going on?" Lara added annoyed, folding her arms together. The brown haired boy continued crying, as I noticed Lara looking annoyed.

"Come on Kyle. None of us have to sit here and watch you cry over whatever it is. Is it about football, or Violet? Just tell us what happened -"

"Lara, I don't think you should be too harsh on him. He's clearly upset over something." I questioned, but the netballer rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to see you? My brother's always like this. When he doesn't get his way, he resorts to tears." She added, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, but do you what might be causing him to be upset?" I asked Lara, slowly turning my attention onto Nate who let out an apologetic look.

"We had an argument, but that was because he kept begging to see you. I don't know. I don't usually see him much. He always goes out with his silly friends. Or he's pinning over that ex of his Violet. I keep asking him to tell me why he's suddenly so emotional. But I get nothing." Lara explained in frustration.

I let out a sigh and took a seat next to him.

"Hey, Kyle. It's me Scarlett. Your sister mentioned that you wanted to see me. Is everything okay?" I ask awkwardly, rubbing his shoulder.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant