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For a night that was meant to be a fun time out, it was anything but. I was feeling quite deflated, although I don't know if it was because of how strong the drink in my hand was, or how bitter it was seeing those pictures of Andrew and Millie.

Or maybe my impromptu, heated moment of revenge involving one of the interns might of soured the night the most.

I hadn't seen any of the others for most of the night. Not even Tim who had approached me during the group's game of truth or dare or whatever. So I had decided to hang out with the interns who I had found out were celebrating Ivan's birthday. Although I could tell he wasn't having the greatest day himself and because of this, somehow I managed to find myself in the restroom with Ivan.

If I was annoyed with myself for letting the temptation get to me with Nate Sutton, then you could imagine I'd be kicking myself for what occurred during the night.

It was a mix of things. My frustration about the wedding rehearsal. The breakup. Losing my job - even if it was temporarily. Sophia driving me insane suddenly finding my work ethic not to standard. Even Andrew's kiss with Millie didn't make things easy for me.

Prehaps that's what tipped me off the edge, leading me to sit on the countertop sink and swap kisses with Ivan.

It might of been pretty selfish why we were passing our kisses amongst each other. Although I couldn't really speak for Ivan, to me it seemed that what I was doing would be selfish to the outside world.

Ivan was my stand in Andrew, given that he was plastered in the newspapers kissing that Millie Bhatt. I honestly was convienced at first that there was nothing going on between them since Andrew told the narrative that way.

But pictures didn't lie.

There he was snapped kissing her whilst sitting at a park bench. To me that screamed being on a date.

Well good for you Andrew.

We had a bit of our fun I guess Ivan and I. Messing about and making out in the bathroom. It might of even been a little selfish if somebody had walked in to find the two of us, it would of been rather hard to explain too.

Even though I was single at the moment, there was a part of me that still felt odd about it. I assumed that must mean I still felt something for Andrew - who unfortunately made it clear that he was happy to move on. And so, if Andrew was moving on then maybe it was a sign that I needed to aswell.

But after the quick dalliance I had with Ivan in the bathroom, I had realised that he wasn't the one I wanted with me here tonight.

"Have you seen Ivan anywhere?" Nora asked me as I shot her a confused look, unsure why she would think to be asking me. I obviously knew where he was. Away from me, clearly. After our moment in the bathroom, he had realised what my motive was and stormed off, not really interested in hearing what I had to say.

"No, I haven't." I responded as Chase rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure? We saw you with him before and now suddenly you're on your own."

"You know I could of left him to be right? He's probably dancing somewhere or whatever -"

"Ivan doesn't dance Scarlett." Jacob interjected as I sighed.

"How am I meant to know where he's gone off to? You guys said he was upset earlier in the night, so maybe he's still upset." I added with uncertainty in my voice.

"Urgh. Maybe we shouldn't have come here tonight? If I knew Ivan was gonna be this moody, then I would have stayed at home and slept in." Mia scoffed as I rolled my eyes. Sure, like you didn't say anything before when you were up against the birthday boy earlier in the night.

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