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The vows had seemed to go off without a hitch - despite the slight interruption that led to the ceremony pausing for a moment. Following on from the awkward objection, Vanessa had emerged from the encounter with a radiating smile. Whereas Jordanah emerged on her own, with her red-stained eyes telling me something had happened.

I was yet to see the blonde mother after the wedding ended. The happy couple were sharing champagne together as if nothing had happened. Strange, considering that it seemed at the beginning of the wedding they weren't likely to go through with it.

Although personally, I had bigger things to worry about. Throughout the entirety of the ceremony, the unholy trinity of Maddison, Rebeccah and Emily were looking over at me and gossiping about my sudden appearance. It didn't seem that Easton was very pleased about me being here - but it made sense since he was still bitter about his teammates arrest.

Taking a sip of the soda, I scrunched my face as the sourness rushed down my throat. Jordan was getting a hefty contract with a new team and yet, couldn't get any decent drinks. I let out a sigh and made my way over to the trash can, as I dropped it in.

"Surprised to see you here." Easton bickered as I turned around to him with an irritated expression.

"I'm friends with the bride, why shouldn't I -"

"I'm not interested Scarlett. Do you know that you haven't got many fans around here? If I was you, I would of stayed in Essendon territory were it would of been safer for you." He casually added and took a sip of champagne.

"Is that a threat?" I questioned him as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It depends. Although, I'm not the one you should be worried about. Pretty much everybody here aren't thrilled about your invitation here. If it's not me, it'll be someone else who'll share their grievances with you - prehaps some more worse then others."

"What does it matter to you Easton?"

"Just giving you a bit of a heads up darling." He added before shooting me a stern look. "Where's your friend Scarlett by the way? You know, the one who threatened me last week."

"He's not my friend."

"Well, whatever he is he is very rude. I was just having a conversation with another adult. Yet the big dork interrupted thinking he's a big man. He needs to watch out." Easton rolled his eyes as I sighed.

"Don't you have better things to do then speak with me?"

"Well I did, until she unfortunately died. So now the best thing to do is to tell your friend to butt out of my buisness." He stammered before slowly edging himself to my ear.

"What are you -"

"Gemma was the best thing that I was doing until, you know. Hope that doesn't make you too jealous Scarlett." He added with a wink as Tiff wrapped her arm around his.

"There's my handsome husband. I was wondering where you had gotten off to." Tiff let out a fake laugh, but immediately cut herself off as she eyed me up and down. "Oh, Scarlett. I didn't know you'd be at the wedding."

"Well now you know. If you'll excuse me, I'll be heading off now." I added boredly, but was taken back as I was getting called at.

"Wait a moment Scarlett." Tiff said my name. As I turned around, I noticed the brunette haired girl shot me an odd look. I watched her pull herself into a kiss with her husband as her eyes were glued upon me. Rolling my eyes, I immediately headed off and decided to see what I could do to make this evening less painful that it was.

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