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"Wow." I tiredly add, slumping on a nearby seat at the dining table. The overly excited chatter from Zaine and Nick wasn't enough to distract me from a terrible interview.

It only took the Giants' media manager to rearrange a time 1000 times before I could get what I needed for the story I was currently working on.

Though it took everything within me to put up with the answers I got from Jacob Hopper. I was tempted to end the Zoom call multiple times. Apperently young Jacob was more interested in talking about everything but what I needed for my article.

At least his teammate Toby was okay, and provided some good quotes for me.

"So, Scarlett. How did your interview with Toby Greene and the other guy go?" Josh asked casually. I looked up at Zaine's friend who sat across from me on the dining table, smiling.

"It could of been better. But I got quotes so I'm good. Also, thanks for letting me use your place to do the interview. I was in the area and didn't know the media manager would get back to me today." I exclaimed.

"Did you end up talking with your  boyfriend's brother?" Zaine asked, as I raised an eyebrow to the confusing statement.

"Huh?" I question.

"Jordanah says that Nate looks like Toby Greene's coach. Therefore I asked you if you spoke to your boyfriend's brother." Zaine explained. I rolled my eyes.

"They look nothing alike Cordy." I say with a sigh.

"They do, but anyway. It's a coincidence that GWS' media manager knew to call you when you happened to be near the Daicos' residency." Zaine added sarcastically.

"It was eaiser to come by here. I wasn't going to do the interview in my car. The lightning is seriously bad there." I point out with a sigh.

"So the lighting is better at the house where my brother happens to live at? Interesting." Nick chimed in. Nobody likes a conspiracy theorist Nick.

"If Nate wasn't at training today, I would of asked to stop over at his place." I explain. Though it seemed that Nick wasn't buying it for some reason.

"Did you guys see the news?" Zaine asked. I noticed the footballer was struggling to keep it together, breaking out into laughter.

"What news?" I ask half-interestedly. Sitting here, all I could think about was Nate's confession last night. It broke my heart to know that he was pretty much suffering in silence this whole time.

"OH, HASHTAG TAMPONGATE!" Nick cried out loud also breaking out into laughter. I stared at the two boys, and  wondered what kind of fever dream they were going through.

"Tampongate?" I question, noticing the more calmer Daicos brother taking a sip of his coffee cup.

"Let me interpret idiot talk for you Scarlett. There's a video of Bea and a teammate of mine going viral." Josh explained. He let out a sigh at the table he sat at. I observed him closing the newspaper.

"Isn't that a normal - wait, did you just say Bea was with your teammate?" I question the footballer, who nodded his head.

"Oh, I'll just live inside your trousers or something. It's much eaiser." Nick snarled in a British voice.

"Josh, what did your brother just say?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Wait Nick, you're saying it wrong. You need to emphasise trousers. You aren't sounding like Adam right now." Zaine exclaimed. But he suddenly burst out once more with laughter.

"That Dunkley isn't going to be too pleased with the video. If he has seen it that is." Josh exclaimed and shook his head.

"What video? Did I miss something whilst I was finishing up the interview?" I ask with a frown.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now