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If Nate's men weren't focused this sultry, late afternoon, then they certainly would of been now.

The sound of my heels clicking against the wood was enough to catch anyone's attention. I suspected my abrupt entrance this morning would of annoyed a few of the players.

Ignoring the confused glances from the guys, I stormed across the court to find the team's general manager.

I would of went to find Theo, since he organised a private investigator to look into the poisoning. But nothing had come of his move, and his move in the locker room resembled Pepe Le Pew. So I was left to find someone a little more competent I hope.

"Your boyfriend went to the restroom -"

"I'm not looking for him. Is Beau here?" I interrupt Casey, ready for my frustrations to be released already. The basketballer looked at me confused.

"Pretty sure he's in his office. Where he always is." Casey explained. I immediately stormed off in hunt for the general manager. As soon as I found the room, I walked right in and slammed the door shut. The blonde man didn't seem interested in my presence.

"You really need to do something about those losers!" I shout, folding my arms.

"I'm going to have to call you back Alvin. Something has come up." Beau added monotonousoly as he hung up the call. He looked up at me, clicking the pen in his hands.

"Those losers out there are your boyfriend's players. I would of expected you to be a lot more respectful -"

"I'm not talking about the team Beau. I'm talking about those losers from the Phoenix. More specifically, Alex Blake and Felix Marshall. It's becoming an issue that I keep having run-ins with them." I snarl at Beau.

"What did you say?" Beau asked, swinging his legs from off the table.

"First, it was Alex. He corned me and was acting all weird in Wantrina a while ago. Then that Felix Marshall was following me and my friend around Collins Street the other." I explain in annoyance.

"You were getting followed by Felix Marshall?" Beau questioned with wide eyes.

"Yes. Though I had to chase him down, and then throw a shoe at him because I thought he was some creep. Turns out it was just a clown from Phoenix." I sighed and folded my arms.

"Why on earth was he following you?"

"I don't know Beau. He said we weren't being followed. But then said he noticed me and that's why he was coming in my direction. You know, I can't help but to think Alex sent him to find me. He was suspicious around me when he saw Nate's name pop up on my phone. I don't know, maybe he's wanting to keep tabs on the man he's blaming for kicking him off the team." I explain, shaking my head.

"Nate's not to blame for Alex's departure. Myself and few others had our concerns. It doesn't matter how talented he is on the court. There's something that about Alex Blake that doesn't sit well with me. Sorry, what did you say about him cornering you?" Beau remarked, before getting to his feet.

"I had an interview with Felix, which went terrible by the way. And when I was heading out to leave, Alex started calling me out. He thinks I'm being hired by the club to spy on him. Beau, you need to do something. Or someone else from the club. I don't know, I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder whenever I go out." I huff and shake my head.

"Alright. I'll speak with South East Phoenix and find out what the hell is going on -"

"Just speaking isn't going to do anything Beau. My best friend could of been seriously hurt. I could have been too. I mean that's all anyone does around here, talk. What good has that done? Nobody knows what the hell went on with Nate's poisoning. All it seems is that all you're doing is talking, or telling off everyone." I shout, as I had realised I was raising my voice.

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