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"Jords? Jords, you home?" I call out, knocking on her front door.

As I waited for the Collingwood wag to come to the door, I pulled out my phone. I sighed and searched up Nate's name in the search bar of Twitter.

If Jordanah knew what I was doing, she was probably going to start yet another argument with me. But a part of me needed to know how Nate was doing.

Maybe I was crazy. Though could I be blamed? Obviously, I was desperate to know how my ex was doing. He was the man that I initially wanted to risk everything for and move across the globe.

Unsurprisingly, there was nothing new being reported on him. I assumed that he was still in hotel quarantine, or perhaps he was preparing to leave.

I don't even know why I was still checking up on him. We had broken up for a while. It wouldn't surprise me if he had forgotten about me anyway.

"Yo! Jordanah, I can see your car out here. I know that you're home." I shout out and bang my fist against the door, trying to look through the window.

The buzz of my phone caught my attention. But excitement had been replaced with disappointment as I noticed it was just a Twitter notification about an AFL trade.

Maybe Jordanah was right.

There wasn't any point in worrying about a man who wasn't ever coming back to me. But a part of me wondered if I'd ever be able to let go of the hope that Nate would return back to me.

I began rummaging through my Kate Spade purse until I found the key Jordanah had given me. For some reason, she thought it was necessary for me to have access to her place.

I've learnt to never challenge Jordanah on anything the hard way. So, I just kept the key. I might as well use today as an excuse to use it for the first time.

Without thinking over the decision, I unlocked the door and entered inside at free will. She shouldn't complain. After all, she gave me permission to enter when I felt the need to.

"Oh. This is nice." I mumbled to myself, walking through the house. It was at this moment that I realised I hadn't seen the place before. I'd only got to hear her talk about how thankful she was for Josh to help her get the new place.

An opened box of Lindt chocolates was at on the table nearby. I cautiously took a look around, tempted by the assortment of treats that Jordanah had left unattended.

Surely, it couldn't hurt to eat just one? Especially with the diamond shaped chocolate screaming out to be eaten. I reached out, grabbing a small piece of chocolate.

Oh. It was so good. I ate another chocolate from the box before reading the back of the box.

Prestige selection? That does not sound like the usual confectionery Jordanah ate. She was more a Favourites kind of girl. I knew this because I'd always find Caramilk and Picnic wrappers laying around.

Where was this girl?

I had soon realised that the door nearby was slightly opened. It was no wonder that she didn't show up to the door. Jordanah was napping. Or blasting some cheesy pop song on Spotify.

Making my way over to the door, I peered inside the bedroom and immediately opened my mouth in shock. I had just realised the reason why Jordanah hadn't answered the door.

She was busy with something else. Or rather, someone else.

I stood at the door, continuing to leer at Trent towering over Jordanah. Neither had noticed I was there. Why would they even want to? They were both creating a story that I certainly shouldn't have been a part of.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now