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As I leaned against the doorframe, I was struggling to deal with the mental dialogue racing in my mind. Between the fertility news and that kiss, all I kept wondering was when things would feel normal again.

My scattered mind wasn't helped by the dream I had last night. The unfortunate dream where Nate was screaming at me. I think I had told him about the kiss. It seemed that he thought I chose to betray him. It felt so vivid, that I woke up and burst into tears. God. I really think I should stop overthinking so much.

I took one last look at Josh tackling a teammate of his, before moving away. I wasn't sure why I decided to come and watch him train.

Actually, that was a lie. I had ample time to spare before my meeting with the club's HR rep. So I decided to watch my roommate train for a bit.

But could I even call him that?

I knew time was running out before Josh and his brother move back in with their family. The threat they agreed to protect me from seemed to have passed. But as selfish as this might seem sound, I honestly didn't want either of them to leave. I've weirdly gotten used to having the boys around my place.

Making my way into a room resembling the email's directions, I was surprised to see one of the Collingwood players sitting on top of the desk.

"Good afternoon." Scott Pendlebury greeted me, putting an arm up whilst he was on the phone.

"Sorry, I think I have the wrong room. I'm meant to be meeting the welfare coordinator or whoever today." I mutter, looking down at the email sent to me. I swear this would of been eaiser as a phonecall.

"No, you're in the right place Scarlett. The club asked me to speak with you. Our welfare manager had to deal with something that's come up. So you're stuck here with me." He chuckled, looking up with a smile.

"That doesn't sound all that bad." I mutter, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Come sit down Scarlett. I'll be with you in a second. My wife was just calling about dinner." He added with a smile.

"What are you guys having?" I awkwardly ask, and take a seat at the desk.

"It's a toss-up between spaghetti and lasagne. But I shall see after training today. Anyway, I'm glad you could come down to the club. It's a long trek from your place, so it's nice that you agreed to do this in person. I'm Scott in case you weren't familiar with me." Scott added, as he pulled out a manilla folder in front of him.

"We've met Scott, kinda. I've spoken to you a few times at the weekly press conferences." I remind him, folding my arms.

"I don't think I remember seeing you before. Which outlet?" The dark haired man asked in intrigue.

"Fox Sports when I used to work for them. I rarely get to pressers nowadays since I'm at the news desk for Channel 7. Plus Code has assigned me to basketball and the VFLW now." I mutter, looking around the room nervously.

"Right. Well I want to be straight with you Scarlett. I'm not going to give you a penalty for the incident with Vanessa Roughead." He admitted, getting straight to the point.

"You're not?" I ask in confusion.

"Obviously, it's not a great look for the club to have reporters slapping our player's wives here. But, after speaking with Josh, plus Jack Ginnivan too, I feel it's in all our best interests for you to get a warning." Scott explained, as he looked up to face me.

"What did they tell you Scott? Or is it against club protocols to tell me?" I ask tiredly. The footballer let out a sigh.

"I genuinely don't know if it is. But Scarlett, I do think that a therapist might help you. After hearing Josh and Jack's statements. Well, moreso Josh. I would recommend speaking to a professional perhaps. Our club can deal with a lot of things. PR, the excessive amount of complaints from Roughead's wife too. But I can't see us being able to assist with your situation." Scott answered softly, looking up at me.

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