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a/n: hii, just dropping in to say that i'm making a casting change (this time because I can). daniel rivers will be now played by sam fender, in the media above. thank you and enjoy :)

I knew that I looked quite desperate sitting here and continuing to listen to his voicemail. But I wasn't sure what else I could do. Andrew had gone from chasing after me and promising me a life well lived together, to now pretending as if he never really known me. This sudden change disappointed me, especially since I thought he was the one I'd walk down the aisle for.

His voice on the recorded message was the closest thing I had to him sounding normal. Sounding as he did all those times when we both seemed to be in love. Hold on, we certaintly were - but with how quick he switched upand the rumors about Millie Patel that seemed to leave more questions then answers - I had no idea what to believe.

"Hey. This is Andrew. Can't get to the phone right now, not available to, but be sure to leave a message or ring back later. I'll be sure to get back to you after."

I let out a frustrated groan, as I switched off my phone and leant back on the couch. There were quite a few questions from those who were invited to the wedding. All that time that we put in to plan the big day was wasted - something that a few people mentioned when I had admit that the wedding was off.

It was embarrassing to say the least. To give up on something that was hyped to the moon and beyond. To give up on something that I was desperate to work out. It didn't seem fair that after finally getting what felt like my happy ending, was snatched away from me as quick as I had fallen for Andrew.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed my cousin make his way to the couch and take a seat next to me. I let out a sigh, wondering just how much of a loser Daniel must of thought I was right now.

"I know about you and Andrew." Daniel softly added, as he sat next to me and gazed out into the distance.

"Yeah. You and just about majority of the country know about it." I sighed as the light haired boy sighed.

"Why didn't you say anything? -"

"What was I meant to say Daniel? I got broken up with weeks out from my wedding. That's not something that I'd want to go around and telling everyone." I admit after cutting off my cousin.

"I thought you had found the one Scarlett. After I headed back to Sydney after we finished the drug investigation a few years back, it was hard to see you dragged into Marcus' mess. I don't care what others think, he was quite toxic for you. I was disappointed hear that you got back with him. But then there was that light at the end of the tunnel it felt like when you got together with Andrew." Daniel added as I turned and faced him.

"He wasn't toxic." I mumbled to myself.

"Scarlett. Have you forgotten how he's treated you in the past? He made out that you were trying to ruin his career -"

"Daniel, why are you telling me this?" I asked him, recieving a shrug from the blonde haired boy.

"I just thought Andrew was different."

"Well that makes two of us Daniel."

"What happened Scarlett?" He asked me sympathetically as I sighed, unable to look my cousin in the eyes. Where was I to begin? Something that I had been chasing for a long time failed miserably and in front of everybody's eyes. The whole thing was confusing and I just wasn't sure what I was to do now.

"I don't know. He thinks he isn't the person I want to marry." I added, recieving a perplexed look from the lawyer.

"That doesn't - that doesn't make sense. You said yes to his engagement and were planning a wedding for goodness sakes."

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now