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The apartment was filled with the rich odour of hope, and the warmth of the sunlight seeping from between the window pane. I curled my body up against the Canadian boy at peace next to me. If tales of dignity was being looked for by either of us, then perhaps the public bathrooms at a football oval wasn't where we were bound to find anything.

Other than the remnents of a young couple excited about the future, and the lipstick stains sure to fade with time of course.

Despite the wedding we dreamt about being back on track following the events of last night, I knew that I had a lot of work in gaining back Andrew's trust. Deep down there was always going to be the fear for him, that Marcus would take his place. And after my chat with Cale the other night, that fear wasn't going to go away anytime soon.

I also knew that it was going to be difficult building back our relationship to the way it was before I first ended our engagement. I hope Andrew knew that I was willing to do whatever I could do to prove to him that I wanted to be with him for as long as I could. Couples therapy, personal psychology sessions - I was willing to put myself through embarrassment to show him I was ready to move on from my past.

Pulling myself closer to the footballer that laid next to me, I just couldn't believe how much the two of us had been through. Not just the recent breakup caused Marcus' rescue mission, but the harassment from his former teammates, the almost tragic ending at the rave that night, the loss of our baby - it seemed that the universe was giving its everything to make sure we weren't together anymore. As I slid my nose against his shoulder I felt his body start to slowly move as he rolled himself over onto me, his muscle wrapping my tightly.

I don't think I had ever felt so warm before as I was right now.

Letting out a tender, little moan escape from his lips, a smile form on my face.

"Morning fiancé." I whispered, and felt his hands delicately brush against my cheeks.

"Hm, morning wife to be."

"I don't know what it is, but there's just something about waking up to the love of your life after getting engaged to him."

"Second time lucky hey?" He cheekily grinned as I just smiled, gazing into his eyes.

"Let's hope there isn't a need for a third time." I answered back as Andrew leaned in closer for a soft peck against my lips.

"You know, I'm glad that you came back and met with me last night. I was terrified that you not coming back would mean that I was never going to see you again." Andrew admitted after pulling away from the tender kiss. All I could do was just sigh. I didn't want to think about what I had told him all those months ago, about leaving him for the fear that I'd become dead. There just wasn't any need to recall those memories.

"It's okay Andrew. I'm here right now. I'm here with you right now and I'm not going to leave anytime soon." I added with a smile.

"That sounds really good to me." He smiled back. I could feel gaze upon me as I twirled my finger in the curls of his hair. It had dawned on me that his hair was a lot longer than it was all those months ago. The new look was different but kinda nice. It reminded me of a young Hollywood heartthrob during the 80s, maybe early 90s. "You know Scarlett, as much as I love being in this bed with you, did you maybe want to do something and enjoy the weather? It's beautiful and I know how much you like the city scenery."

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now