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Just like in the wise words of Megan Thee Stallion, yours truly has finally done some real hot girl shit of her own.

I am officially the owner of a brand new home.

After all those feelings of hopelessness, I was finally able to find a place that would be a replacement for that grotty apartment in North Melbourne.

The landlord must of celebrated hard the moment he heard I moved out. That window at the apartment had broken a total of four times - including the time Jordanah's heel was thrown out during my engagement party.

"Three cheers for Wilde. Two for the ghosts of her past relationships, and a third for her current one." Zaine exclaimed, as I gave him a glare.

"Let's go, Mrs Sutton buying her new house!" Diana cheered loudly and whistled. Cheers erupted, as everyone broke out into excited chatter.

"Scarlett, you must think you're living in some kind of palace." Kyle gushed as he looked around the empty rooms of my house in awe. Even though I had officially gotten the house, it was still going to take time to restock the place with furniture from the old apartment. Yes, it's hard work. But I'm still on cloud nine about actually owning a house, which I'd never thought was possible.

"No, not really Kyle. I'm just excited about the fact that I don't need to be living in that old apartment anymore." I exclaimed in joy, as Zaine skipped towards me and joined me in doing a happy dance.

"You really couldn't stand living in North Melbourne." Georgia added with a warm smile.

"Urgh. Ever since Scarlett's shacked up with that coach, she's become so -"

"Giggly? Is that the word you're looking for Jordanah?" Diana asked as the blonde mother shook her head.

"No, it's not. But she's become less moody. I mean look. She's doing a silly little dance with Zaine. The complete opposite to what she'd be doing usually." Jordanah exclaimed in frustration.

"Oh put a cork in it Jordanah. Scarlett's just happy because she got a house, in this economy too." Georgia responded casually, as she used her finger to wipe along the edge of a nearby cabinet.

"I like the new Scarlett. I think it's quite cute." Kyle chuckled as Diana rolled her eyes.

"Also guys, it's a double celebration because our Wilde is the weekend sports presenter for Channel 7 and will also be writing for that website Code Sports." Zaine exclaimed, pulling me into a headlock before excitedly messing up my hair.

"Zaine, my hair!" I gasp. Jordanah raced up and leapt onto me, latching on for a big hug. Zaine soon followed suit as I struggled to hold his weight upon me. The best I could do was push him away as he fell on the floor behind me.

"My girl is going to be on TV and in written form. Oh how lucky are we!" Jordanah roared with excitement.

"Congratulations Scarlett! Always knew that you could do it." Kyle added with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, congratulations Wilde. It's well deserved." Georgia casually said aloud.

"You know what we need to do now?" Diana asked with excitement.

"Convience Scarlett and Nate to make it official since she's got a new place and new job? Like they've been together this long, yet they don't have a title." Zac exclaimed as Jordanah shook her head.

"Josh Daicos has entered the chat." Jordanah reminded as I rolled my eyes, taking off my blazer. She might as well just give up matchmaking services at this point. Besides, I'd assume that he's with someone anyway.

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