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"God. Oh God." I mumbled out loud the phrase that kept going over and over in my mind. I buried my face in trembling hands, feeling quite pathetic with what had just happened.

It was extremely hard to concentrate on what prehaps my closest friend was saying. I mean usually it got hard to pinpoint the point of what she would say - but after the other night, I couldn't seem to shake it away from my mind.

Of course I had a number of possibilities of what Jordanah could of been talking about. My guesses range anywhere from some Zac Efron film to her fixation on Vanessa Roughead. Although, after the married woman's unconventional baby plans, Jordanah's frustrations were warranted.

But none of the theories mattered anyway now that I had done something I promised myself not to do since being broken up. And I couldn't help it, but a part of me kinda enjoyed it.

It wasn't my intention. I wasn't looking to start another conquest or even find one. But as in the wise words for Jordanah's favourite singer, I did something bad. To an outside eye, it wouldn't have been so bad. But given how messy things had been lately, the last thing I probably needed to do was have a one night stand with an interview subject of mine.

Maybe it wasn't the classiest moment of mine to head back home and go a few rounds with a somewhat known professional coach.

But of course I just couldn't help myself.

As I gazed out into the room, I couldn't help but to shiver as I began thinking about the night's events. I had gone from feeling like a complete wreck to on top of cloud nine as his hands danced delicately upon my skin - Scarlett, it's too early for this. Go get some holy water, touch some grass and suck it up, I thought to myself as Jordanah just sighed.

"Okay. What the hell is going on?" She questioned me as I looked up at her, shaking my head.

"It's fine. I'm fine." I muttered, but Jordanah didn't seem to be buying any of it.

"You wanna know how I know that you're lying? You're making the same face as Ed when I ask him if he's taken my chips. Wait, actually you don't. It's a lot different. But I know you're lying anyway." She huffed, putting her hands on her hips.

I ignored her, busy piecing together the events of the other night. After I had completely flopped during my live cross to the studio, I was meant to go home to process my failure alone. Prehaps lay in bed wearing pyjama pants and bask in embrassment. Except, that I didn't.

I could picture the unexpected meeting in my mind. After offering to take him home following the end of the match, we had somehow ended up at my place - more specifically, in my room. It was quite the understatement to say that he was surprised about his ride home lead to a visit to my apartment.

"Just couldn't keep yourself away huh?" He smirked as I leaned against the doorway, observing him with something I couldn't seem to recognise.

"Something like that." I recalled saying, letting out a chuckle. Although I couldn't remember how it happened. One moment it seemed that I was feeling down about my nightmare night at work and then next I had become euphoric.

"Earth to Scarlett? Hello? Are you there? It seems that nobody has told you this, so I will. Don't bite your lip like that, it makes you look like a chihauaha on sugar." She scoffed as I looked up at her, staring blankly.

"With sugar?"

"It's an expression. You look silly is what I'm saying, because you aren't paying attention to me. I was telling you about the names I've been thinking about." Jordanah added as I looked at her oddly, unsure what she was going on about.

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