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a/n: in case anybody was wondering, nate sutton (pictured in the edit above with scarlett wilde) is played by will weaver 🌻

1 new message.
Jordanah Shields.

Just checking in on you. Hope your day is going better than Zaine's. He's currently sitting outside on the porch all moody because he spilled beef patties on the ground. What a sad man lol

I knew flipping my phone over the ground was the right idea, since I didn't have the energy in dealing with anybody's beef patties. Obviously that energy was being used for something more important in this moment.

My eyes remained firmly upon the slender man, who laid back on the grass and glanced over at the river in front of us. It was a beautiful day in Melbourne, with canoes floating upon the water, and joggers dashing past us. And it was made even better that I was enjoying the beads of sunlight dancing upon my skin, with a rather enchanting coach beside me.

"I'm glad that you were able to meet with me here. You obviously would be a busy woman with Fox Sports and all that you do." Nate exclaimed, with a smile forming upon his face.

"What can I say? Even with my schedule, I'm happy to make time for someone like you." I admit, observing the curly haired coach extend his legs out on the grass and glance over at me, his eyes flickering with curiosity.

"Somebody like me huh?" He added with intrigue, as I let out a chuckle.

"Of course. After the basketball game the other night, I'm surprised that you'd be surprised."

"Not surprised. Just good to hear you say that." He admitted joyously. "Anyway, it's good that you could meet with me this morning Scarlett. As much fun as it was those times we met already, I thought it would be only fair to meet outside of the bedroom too."

"Beautiful day to do so Nate. Don't think I've been down here for a long while so I'm quite stoked that I could make the trip down here." I exclaimed, darting my eyes along the teenagers skating past us. "Also, I couldn't say no since the invitation did come from you."

"Didn't I tell you that you couldn't stay away from me that long?" He joked, as I rolled my eyes at his comment. I stayed for a moment, wanting to take it all in for as long as I could.

"You know, there was one thing that I haven't gotten a chance to ask you yet."

"And what that might be Scarlett?" He asked curiously as I turned my attention onto him.

"I noticed that you used to do work with different teams in the NBA before. I was looking at profiles about you for my research if you were wondering. But why Melbourne? Of course there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just curious."

"Well you know what they say Scarlett. Curiosity was what killed the cat." He solemnly added, shooting me a look and then slowly moving his eyes onto the horizon of the river. Then, he began laughing as I shook my head at the coach.

"You made it seem like there was some dark secret you had for a moment." I added, letting out a chuckle at his rather practical joke, if that's what you call it.

"Nah. I'm just messing about with you." He chuckled as I let out a smile. "I never expected to come to Melbourne. I was actually in New York coaching up there and at the time, also was helping out with assisting Australia's head team. One of the guys got in touch with me and mentioned that Melbourne United needed someone to fill in the vacant spot rightaway. And to tell you the truth, I couldn't say no with the links that the team had to the NBA. I put my name in the mix and was basically asked to fly out over here right away. Feels surreal though. Haven't been here very long, but loving it so far nevertheless." He exclaimed, as I slowly nodded my head.

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