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"I forget how bad the city roads were to drive on." Jordanah whined as we walked down the footpath on our way to head into Starbucks. Honestly, I wouldn't normally go out of my way to buy a drink from there. But because I knew how much Jordanah loved their drinks, I would always go to the cafe everytime I was with her.

"Well, it is the city after all." I responded as she ignored me, looking straight ahead.

"So, I know there's probably a lot of things I should be asking you but, because Georgia was super annoyed when I mentioned him, I'm gonna go right off the bat. Who's this Jeremy Scott that's got your knickers in a knot?" She asked as I rolled my eyes, instantly giving her a cold look.

"You know that I was with Andrew just a few months ago?" I questioned her as she placed her finger upon her lips.

"Key word, was. Now tell me who this guy is."

"He's the CEO." I answered as the blonde mother looked at me disappointed.

"CEO to what? A bank? Supermarket? A computer company? God. You're literally like Billy when he describes the movies he watches. Takes him five years to give me one simple synposis."

"The CEO of the bulldogs." I answered as Jordanah looked at me with offense.

"Could you not have said a movie company to add more excitement? But anyway, there's gotta be a reason he's gotten your attention. Is it tattoos? That he's French? Oh, is he like a goth guy like that singer you like, the one that Andrew got mad at for causing you to say that he's hot?" Jordanah asked as I shook my head. I was about to question her when I remembered what she was referring to.

It was a little uncomfortable when the players and partners of Essendon kept asking me why Andrew kept tagging Brennan Savage in all my posts and asking him to be in a boxing match.

The look upon Jordanah's face as she stared at her phone screen already told me what she was doing. Googling who Jeremy Scott was and judging him, judging him as hard as Zaine was judging everyone on Married At First Sight this year.

"We're nearing Starbucks, I thin-"

"Okay. He's got no tattoos that I can see. He's not French I think. Not goth in any way, looks nothing like that singer. But he seems normal which I guess what attracts you to him."

"Okay Jordanah. I'm not - I don't think - I'm not interested in the CEO. Wait, what do you mean he's normal?" I asked, stunned by her choice of wording.

"I don't know, maybe that he isn't a football player and is successful for his smarts. You've got some interest in him because you keep talking about him. Even Georgia saw that something was up because she was smiling when I was asking about him." Jordanah added as I looked at her, becoming annoyed that she was playing matchmaker. The thought was nice but the last time she tried to get me together with someone (even if she was joking, or maybe she wasn't), I ended up getting drunk and sleeping with him.

"Georgia was smiling because she doesn't like the guy - and neither do I Jordanah. He tried to get me to give the club an exclusive interview and give them the scoop about what happened at the casino and thought it would be helpful in repairing Marcus' reputation that he helped to screw up."

"Or maybe Scarlett, he was trying to give you an option to share your story. Or he wants to see you more at the club because he's totally into you."

"How's Ryder?" I changed the subject and was thankful that it got Jordanah to talk about her child instead of her delusion that the CEO was interested in me.


"He's good, going really good. Charlie and I celebrated his birthday last week. Our little boy is three and he's looking more and more like his dad everyday. His family came over and we had a nice celebration with everyone. Charlie disagrees with me that we've got another Curnow playing in the team when he's eighteen. He thinks Ryder is going to be a heartthrob in the arts." Jordanah gushed as I looked at her confused.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon