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"Are you trying to decide what suggestive picture to send to the coach?" Jordanah asked aloud. I quickly put my phone down on the table.

"Oh my god Jordanah. I was trying to catch up with the scores since I was gone, remember?" I add in annoyance.

How the hell did this woman know where I was?

"Don't bothering checking afl.com.au. Here's what you need to know. Carlton and Bulldogs are unsurprisingly doing garbage. The orange team are surprisingly doing not garbage. Collingwood unsurprisingly are doing good. I think that covers everything." Jordanah added. I let out a sigh.

"Gee, thank you Tony Jones." I exclaim and roll my eyes.

"Did being kidnapped make you forget how to answer calls?" Jordanah asked in annoyance, taking a seat beside me.

"I'm meeting a few of the basketballer's partners soon." I say, noticing the blonde wave her hand ignorantly at me.

"Good for you Scarlett, now answer my question. Why aren't you answering my calls?" She questioned sternly. I shook my head.

"I've been caught up with work. The news never stops." I say with a shrug. That was obviously not the whole truth. I needed time away from being scowled at by Jordanah and her new lover.

"Oh my god. You've just gotten out the hospital and work is sending off to do stuff? I mean really, what do these employers think of us." Jordanah scoffed.

"How did you find me Jordanah?" I ask her, feeling bothered. I wasn't in the mood for her cattiness today.

"I've been following you around. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm finished for the day at Williamstown, so I popped down to grab lunch. But I saw you, and so I changed my plans." Jordanah added, letting out a chuckle.

"If you're going to stick around, please don't embarrass me Jords." I plead to her with a sigh.

"You're overreacting. I do not embarrass you Scarlett." Jordanah added in offence. Just as I was about to respond, the basketball wags soon made their way over to us. I prayed that Jordanah didn't start any drama this afternoon.

"Oh Scarlett, you're finally back." Maggie exclaimed and started hugging me.

"Yep. Just got discharged from the hospital a few days ago." I add, slowly nodding my head.

"How are you feeling? We've missed seeing you around the club." Zara added, taking a seat on the other side of me.

"Hi Scarlett. It's good that you're back." Evelyn awkwardly added and wore a small smile.

I see that she was still unhappy with me. For what reason? I wasn't sure. The innocent act of giving first aid was apperently not allowed in the 21st century.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Zara suddenly asked in annoyance. I look up to see her glaring at Jordanah.

"Who, Jordanah? She was out shopping and wanted to say hi." I explain, unsure of the basketballer's reaction.

"Well tell her bye. I'm still struggling to get blood from out my jersey." Zara scoffed. She folded her arms while still glaring at the blonde mother.

"What's going on?" Evelyn asked in confusion.

"I don't know how she can smile after what she did to me. She randomly decided to start a fight for no reason when all I wanted to do was see my boyfriend." Zara scoffed and shook her head.

"You fought with Zara? Why Jordanah?" I asked her with disappointment.

"She started it Scarlett. I told what I was doing at the stupid club and then she got up all in my face." Jordanah added with a shrug.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now